
annual是什么意思 annual在线翻译 annual什么意思 annual的意思 annual的翻译 annual的解释 annual的发音 annual的同义词 annual的反义词 annual的例句

annual [ˈænjuəl]  [ˈænjuəl] 


annual 基本解释

形容词每年的; 一年的; [植物]一年生的

名词年刊; 一年生植物

annual 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.


1. Are beans annuals?

annual 网络解释

1. 年刊:<<乌利希国际期刊指南>>收录全世界各地出版,各种语言,现仍出版(active)或停刊(ceased)的定期及不定期期刊、年刊(annual)、连续性出版品(monographic series)、报纸等,种数总计超过250 000种以上.

2. 年度:中四派位是抽取学生成绩所产生的名次,并不会自行再计算名次,所以和比重设定没有关系. 中四派位是抽取年度(Annual)名次,成绩表列印的是否全年的名次? 是否有人手改动学生名次?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 每年:美國經營企業的各類稅的報繳區分有每月(monthly)、每季(quarterly)、與每年(annual)三種時程,...

annual 词典解释

1. 一年一次的;每年的
    Annual events happen once every year.


    e.g. ...the annual conference of Britain's trade union movement...
    e.g. In its annual report, UNICEF says at least 40,000 children die every day.

Companies report to their shareholders annually.

2. 年度的;全年的
    Annual quantities or rates relate to a period of one year.

    e.g. Annual costs, tuition and fees, £6,600...
    e.g. The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.

El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually...
Holiday World hires 300 new employees annually.

3. 年刊;年报;年鉴
    An annual is a book or magazine that is published once a year.

    e.g. I looked for Wyman's picture in my high-school annual...
    e.g. He tried the various almanacs, annuals and gazettes which were held in the library.

4. 一年生植物
    An annual is a plant that grows and dies within one year.

    e.g. The simplest way to deal with these hardy annuals is to sow them where they are to flower.

annual 单语例句


1. It said specific figures would be revealed in the annual business report, but it did not disclose when the report would be released.

2. The company said it would announce specific figures in the annual business report later.

3. The company said it would post specific figures in the annual business report later.

4. The company said it would reveal the specific figures in its annual business report soon.

5. The company said the result had not been audited, and it would announce specific figures in the annual business report.

6. CWT is a world leader in business travel management with offices in more than 140 countries and annual sales of US $ 11 billion.

7. More economic independence is giving women more buying power, a speaker told the annual China Luxury Summit in Shanghai.

8. The company also will start to treat stock options as an expense, which will reduce annual earnings by 20 US cents a share.

9. I am terrified by the sheer numbers that are represented by a 40 percent annual growth rate.

10. An interdepartmental agency comprising 28 Chinese government organizations last week released its annual intellectual property plan of action.


annual 英英释义



1. a reference book that is published regularly once every year

    Synonym: yearlyyearbook

2. (botany) a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year


1. completing its life cycle within a year

    e.g. a border of annual flowering plants

    Synonym: one-year

2. occurring or payable every year

    e.g. an annual trip to Paris
           yearly medical examinations
           annual (or yearly) income

    Synonym: yearly

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