
annulments是什么意思 annulments在线翻译 annulments什么意思 annulments的意思 annulments的翻译 annulments的解释 annulments的发音 annulments的同义词



annulments 基本解释

废除,取消,判决无效( annulment的名词复数 );

annulments 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Accordingly, in this second session lawfully assembled in the holy Spirit, after mature deliberation held by us with our venerable brothers, the cardinals of the holy Roman church, by the advice and unanimous consent of the same brothers from sure knowledge and by the fullness of apostolic power, we confirm approve and renew, with the approval of the sacred council, the rejections condemnations, revocations, quashings, invalidations and annulments of the summoning, convoking and public utterances of that schismatical assembly, the vaunted quasi-council of Pisa, with its aim of rending and hampering the union of the aforesaid church, and of the citations, warnings, decrees, pardons, sentences, acts, legacies, creations, obediences, withdrawals, enjoined censures and applications issuing from it, and of the transfer of the said quasi-council to the cities of Milan or Vercellae or any other place, and of each and all of the acts and decisions of the said quasi-council, that have been expressed in our various letters completed and issued in due order, especially those issued under the dates of 18 July in the eighth year of our pontificate, and of 3 December and 13 April in the ninth year of our pontificate.
    因此,在这届会议合法聚集在圣灵,成熟后,我们举行的审议与我们尊敬的兄弟,红雀的神圣罗马教会的意见和一致同意,同兄弟确保知识和丰满的使徒的权力,我们确认批准,并重新批准,神圣理事会,拒绝谴责,撤销,quashings ,invalidations和无效的召集,召开和公共话语的分裂大会,自诩准理事会比萨,与其目的是再现和妨碍联盟上述教堂,和引文,警告,法令,赦免,减刑,行为,遗赠,有所创造,obediences ,提款,责成发出责难和应用它,并转让说准理事会向城市米兰或Vercellae或任何其他地方,以及每一个和所有的行为和决定说准理事会,已体现在我们的各种信件完成并发表在适当的秩序,特别是那些下印发的日期在7月18日的第八个年头,我们的青年,和12月3日和4月13日在第九个年头,我们放在首位。

2. annulments什么意思

2. Judges only grant marriage annulments in exceptional circumstances.

annulments 单语例句

1. All other attempts since 1960's independence from Britain were undermined by coups or annulments of electoral outcomes.

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