
annunciation是什么意思 annunciation在线翻译 annunciation什么意思 annunciation的意思 annunciation的翻译 annunciation的解释 annunciation的发音

annunciation [əˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn]  [əˌnʌnsiˈeʃən] 

annunciation 基本解释


名词宣告, (尤指)天使传报

annunciation 网络解释

1. 报喜:哥特式圣马可大教堂(Cathedral of St Mark)内珍藏着两幅由意大利文艺复兴大师丁托列托(Jacopo Tintoretto)创作的油画--圣坛上的<<三圣>>(Three Saints)和侧壁的<<天使报喜>>(Annunciation).

2. 受胎告知:<<受胎告知>>(Annunciation)是達芬奇的早期油畫作品. 作品取材於宗教故事,描繪有一對雙翼的天使來朝拜年輕的聖母瑪利亞,告訴她懷孕了,救苦救難的將要出生.

3. 天使报喜:研究人员发现,在壁画中有一个天使模样的轮廓,这个轮廓和保存在乌菲兹博物馆的达芬奇作品<<天使报喜>>(Annunciation)中的天使非常相似. 由此更可以断定,这些壁画为达.芬奇所作,这间秘密画室也是他曾经进行艺术创作的地方.

4. 显示:angel view 全角视野 | annunciation 显示 | anti-skid braking 防滑刹车

annunciation 双语例句

1. New Orleans at the time of the station's construction had several separate railway stations including the Texas Pacific Railroad - Missouri Pacific Railroad Station on Annunciation St. between Melpomene and Thalia Streets; The Louisiana and Arkansas- Kansas City Southern Railroad Station at 705 S. Rampart Street; the Southern Railway Terminal at 1125 Canal Street and the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Station, on Canal St. near the Mississippi River.

2. annunciation的意思

2. Annunciation one posted, there are four people claiming to be their own killed Qin Su.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. In art he is generally represented carrying either a lily, Mary's flower, at the annunciation, or the trumpet he will blow to announce the second coming.

4. annunciation的意思

4. This gave an impetus to Marian devotion and by the seventh century four Marian feasts were being observed in Rome: the annunciation, the purification, the assumption, and the nativity of Mary.

5. The Annunciation, Detail of the Angel Gabriel, from the Lunette Above the Altar, circa 1305

6. Check the function of the switching devices and the controls, interlocks, protection, annunciation

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The Gospel of the Annunciation is among the best known of all.

8. No. 2, The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

9. annunciation的近义词

9. There was also a joint annunciation denunciation from the two leaders of the government of Zimbabwe.

10. annunciation

10. Chapter from the price, channel, product, marketing analysis of the Annunciation marketing strategy bird suit.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

11. As far as we know, only two created beings were witnesses of the annunciation, the angel and the Blessed Virgin.
      据我们所知,只有两人创造获得了证人的annunciation ,天使和小圣。

12. All there is to be said about the feast of her conception can be summed up in one saying, which is at the heart of today's Gospel reading about the Annunciation of the conception of Jesus within Mary: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!

13. The first meeting of Medjugorje Prayer Group in The Church of the Annunciation on Nov 16, 07 at 7-9pm.

14. There is provided a portable radio signal transceiver including an annunciator which annunciates a user that there has been a call, a counter which counts both the number of calls having been made in a predetermined period of time and the number of annunciation made by the annunciator when there is a call, a memory storing therein a predetermined condition for locking a dial, the predetermined condition including the predetermined number N1 of annunciation and the predetermined number N2 of calls, and a controller which causes the portable radio signal transceiver to carry out dial-locking, if the numbers of annunciation and calls counted by the counter are equal to the predetermined numbers N1 and N2, respectively.

15. They may be indicating instruments for pertinent plant variables, indicating lights to display equipment status, panel-mounted enunciators, or may be a digital computer which provides both indication and annunciation.

16. annunciation的近义词

16. Pre-growing companies in the second half than the first half of the profit increase of more than 200 percent of the company shares were Haiyin, the victory of the shares, the wind technology, Yuanwang Valley Branch Land electronics, Annunciation birds, Westone, purple Xin Pharmaceutical, ST well-being, the new lake Po, David genes and Canton Guoguang, these companies focus on medicine and communications equipment industries.

17. Pieces of the arch-stone represent what may be an Annunciation scene and one of the Holy Family; the latter theme was quite popular during the Renaissance but extremely rare in the Middle Ages.

18. annunciation的意思

18. At the party, the announcer announced an annunciation that the annuity of workers would be annulled beginning the next year.

19. The examples of its applications in annunciation and interlock circuits are listed.

20. Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin.

annunciation 词典解释

1. (基督教中的)天使报喜(天使长加百列奉告圣母马利亚她将诞下圣子耶稣)
    In Christianity, the Annunciation was the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she was going to give birth to the son of God.


annunciation 英英释义


1. a formal public statement

    e.g. the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war
           a declaration of independence

    Synonym: announcementproclamationdeclaration

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