
antediluvian是什么意思 antediluvian在线翻译 antediluvian什么意思 antediluvian的意思 antediluvian的翻译 antediluvian的解释 antediluvian的发音

antediluvian [ˌæntidɪˈlu:viən]  [ˌæntɪdəˈluviən] 

antediluvian 基本解释

形容词(<圣经>上说的)大洪水以前的; <口>非常古老的

名词大洪水以前的人或事物; 年迈的人; 老朽; 远远落后于时代的人

antediluvian 网络解释

1. 第三代吸血鬼:他必须先被一名血族成员吸尽身上的血,然后马上接受该血族反喂食身上的血才可变成为新生的血族.初拥往往带来非常强烈的感受,夹杂著惊惧与狂喜的情绪,这经验会使该血族永难忘怀.传说上古者,第三代吸血鬼(Antediluvian)他们是最古早的吸血鬼,

2. 上古的:antedate 提早日期 | antediluvian 上古的 | antefix 装饰屋瓦

3. 大洪水前的:antediluvian 上古的 | antediluvian 大洪水前的 | antediluvian 大洪水以前的人

4. 老古董:antediluvian 很老的人 | antediluvian 老古董 | antediluvianarchaistic 古风的

antediluvian 双语例句

1. antediluvian

1. For China possesses many faces, the China as an antediluvian civilization, the China of unspeakable crimes and disasters, the China of lies and treacheries.

2. Below the idea that adores in soul, of our country antediluvian period first civilian once regarded sacred authority as very old right, spread out very intense contention for it.

3. The air inside smelled antediluvian, regal somehow, with traces of pipe tobacco, tea leaves, cooking sherry, and the earthen aroma of stone architecture.

4. In the spring there was the guy 12 years older than me who shared an apartment overlooking Tompkins Square Park with an antediluvian man who walked around in graying long underwear.

5. Patterns of the Antediluvian Calendar recorded in Genesis 5 for the lineage following applies this reckoning for the primary age category.

6. antediluvian是什么意思

6. One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race, from Adam to Noah.

7. antediluvian

7. This is shown in the story of Cain, the song of Lamech, and in the sinfulness of antediluvian society Gen.
    这表现在故事中的该隐,这首歌的拉麦的,而在我们罪孽深重的古老社会(创2 -5 )。

8. A ramshackle antediluvian tenement; antediluvian ideas; archaic laws.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Even so, pizza's roots go back to the antediluvian times.

10. antediluvian

10. His ideas are positively antediluvian!

11. Their production techniques are positively antediluvian by modern standards.

12. Old women with antediluvian ideas still ruled the roost.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. In the spring there was the guy12 years older than me who shared an apartment overlooking Tompkins Square Park with an antediluvian man who walked around in graying long underwear.

14. antediluvian是什么意思

14. After all, even the antediluvian computers then available had brought on a great deal of abuse from some who saw their jobs (and their dignity) in jeopardy.

15. antediluvian的意思

15. The Chinese language itself is essentially antediluvian, and to overtake it requires the lifetime of a Methusaleh.

16. Instead, all my efforts did was teach me exactly why the proud, antediluvian print-journalism companies are in financial trouble.

17. The arts of the Chu State is an antediluvian China's unique phenomenon with southern culture and artistic styles.

18. As the footstone and an important part of the whole language system, the studies of common words are necessary conditions of exploring how to make the transition from the antediluvian Chinese to modern Chinese and how the modern Chinese build up.

19. A branch of one of your antediluvian families.

20. I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian, and watched it crumble to dust.

antediluvian 词典解释

1. 古老的;陈旧的;过时的
    Antediluvian things are old or old-fashioned.

    e.g. ...antediluvian attitudes to women.

antediluvian 单语例句

1. In antediluvian times, a spectator had to do something outrageous to get free beads.

2. It's high time such people updated their sense and knowledge of reality and changed their antediluvian views.

3. The beginnings of moxibustion therapy can be traced back to the antediluvian times, when our ancestors first learned how to use fire.

antediluvian 英英释义


1. a very old person

    Synonym: ancient

2. any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge

    Synonym: antediluvian patriarch


1. so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

    e.g. a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
           antediluvian ideas
           archaic laws

    Synonym: antiquatedarchaic

2. of or relating to the period before the biblical flood

    e.g. antediluvian man

    Synonym: antediluvial

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