
antique是什么意思 antique在线翻译 antique什么意思 antique的意思 antique的翻译 antique的解释 antique的发音 antique的同义词 antique的反义词

antique [ænˈti:k]  [ænˈtik] 


antique 基本解释

形容词古老的,古代的; 过时的,古董的; 古时制造的; 古风的

名词古玩,古董; 古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格

动词仿古制作; 使显得古色古香; 寻觅古玩

antique 相关例句


1. In the museum we saw antique pewter plates.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. That car is positively antique.


1. The antique is a fake.

2. Mr.Hunter is very much interested in collecting antiques.

antique 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 仿古:将电镀后的饰品通过化学方式使之表面酸化,然后用布质打磨轮打磨而成. 表面一般有保护膜,有一种乾净利索的仿古( Antique ) 风味.

2. antique

2. 文物:您好,你正在申请网易社区[休闲时尚]古玩文物(antique)版版主,在申请之前,请保证你在审核通过后::您好,你正在申请网易社区[休闲时尚]古玩文物(antique)版版主,在申请之前,请保证你在审核通过

antique 词典解释

1. 古物;古玩;古董
    An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture which is valuable because of its beauty or rarity.

    e.g. ...a genuine antique.
    e.g. ...antique silver jewellery...

antique 单语例句

1. Many elaborately carved antique trunks were either made from camphor or lined with camphor.

2. The Spartan use of chunky antique wooden furniture and decorative elements is offset by a profusion of white.

3. For antique lovers, this is the time to come to Liulichang market.

4. Solid wooden floors compliment the antique carved tables where a single linen table cloth is draped elegantly.

5. Its deliberate antique decorations as well as the furniture indicate a clear vow to provide a flavor that is one hundred percent local.

6. As a regular customer, now he has become creditable customer with those antique sellers.

7. One antique store has posted a sign that says whoever has an agate with no red coloring will be poor forever.

8. It is enjoyed for its mellow taste and medicinal qualities, and is often referred to as a " drinkable antique ".

9. Many different groups took part in the parade that included dragon and lion dances, and a drive by antique cars.

10. Liu Guizhou was accused of stealing 28 jade articles from an antique store at Beijing's Panjiayuan Flea Market and nearby Beijing Antique City last year.


antique 英英释义


1. any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity

2. an elderly man

    Synonym: old-timeroldtimergafferold geezer


1. give an antique appearance to

    e.g. antique furniture

    Synonym: antiquate

2. shop for antiques

    e.g. We went antiquing on Saturday


1. out of fashion

    e.g. a suit of rather antique appearance
           demode (or outmoded) attire
           outmoded ideas

    Synonym: demodeexold-fashionedold-hat(p)outmodedpassepassee

2. belonging to or lasting from times long ago

    e.g. age-old customs
           the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness

    Synonym: age-old

3. made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age

    e.g. the beautiful antique French furniture

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