
anything是什么意思 anything在线翻译 anything什么意思 anything的意思 anything的翻译 anything的解释 anything的发音 anything的同义词

anything [ˈeniθɪŋ]  [ˈɛniˌθɪŋ] 

anything 基本解释

代词任何东西; (用于否定句、疑问句中以及 if 或 whether 和 prevent、ban、avoid 等动词后,代替 something)任何东西; 重要东西; 重要事物

anything 相关词组

1. if anything : 如果(稍)有区别的话;

2. like anything : 拼命地;

3. or anything : 或者怎么的;

4. anything of : 一点儿;

5. anything but : 根本不;

6. for anything I know : 据我所知;

7. for anything : 无论如何;

anything 相关例句


1. Is he anything of an artist?


1. Don't be dependent on anyone for anything.

2. Anything will do to keep the door open.

3. Can I do anything for you?

anything 情景对话



B:Do you know anything about this temp-agency?


A:I’ve heard they’re very (helpful/ reputable/ well-connected).



B:Anything else? / Do we need anything else? / Is there anything else?

A:Not that I can think of.


B:Welcome to our showroom.

A:Thank you, I‘m glad to be here.

B:Is there anything I can show you.


A:I think I‘d like to just look around .

anything 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 一切:一个人选择了唯心主义,他便成为了一个唯心主义者,心灵是他的一切(anything). 一群人选择了唯物主义,他们便成了唯物主义者,物质是他们一切的基础(base). 当那群唯物主义者靠着物质生活时,那个唯心主义者却用它仅有的一颗心生活着.

anything 词典解释

1. (用于否定句)任何事物,什么事情
    You use anything in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nothing is present or that an action or event does not or cannot happen.


    e.g. We can't do anything...
    e.g. Dad sat, not saying anything...

2. (用于疑问句或条件从句)任何事物,任何事情
    You use anything in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether something is present or happening.


    e.g. What happened, is anything wrong?...
    e.g. Did you find anything?...

3. (用于描述所谈论事物的词语前)…的东西,…的事情
    You can use anything before words which indicate the kind of thing you are talking about.

    e.g. More than anything else, he wanted to become a teacher...
    e.g. Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year...

4. (用于加强语气)无论什么东西,随便什么事情
    You use anything to emphasize a possible thing, event, or situation, when you are saying that it could be any one of a very large number of things.

    e.g. He is young, fresh, and ready for anything...
    e.g. At that point, anything could happen...

5. (用于强调)多少接近于
    You use anything in expressions such as anything near ,anything close to and anything like to emphasize a statement that you are making.

    e.g. Doctors have decided the only way he can live anything near a normal life is to give him an operation...
    e.g. Only Cowans played anything close to his true form...

6. (限定范围内的)任何一点
    When you do not want to be exact, you use anything to talk about a particular range of things or quantities.


    e.g. Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine, producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day...
    e.g. Fights with his father lasted anything between fifteen minutes and an hour.

Anything is mainly used in questions and negative sentences. You use not anything instead of something in negative sentences. There isn't anything here.
anything主要用于疑问句和否定句。否定句中用not anything代替something,如:There isn't anything here(这儿什么也没有)。

7. (用于形容词后表示强调)非常,十分
    You use as anything after an adjective to emphasize a quality that someone has.

    e.g. He used to be as smart as anything...
    e.g. She opened the door and jumped out, quick as anything.

8. 单单除…之外;根本不;远非
    You use anything but in expressions such as anything but quiet and anything but attractive to emphasize that something is not the case.

    e.g. I will be anything but quiet on Saturday night!...
    e.g. There's no evidence that he told anyone to say anything but the truth...

9. 决不
    You can say that you would not do something for anything to emphasize that you definitely would not want to do or be a particular thing.


    e.g. I wouldn't want to move for anything in the world...
    e.g. I wouldn't have missed this summer in England for anything...

10. (尤用于否定句后,对所说之事进行补充说明)甚至正相反,甚至还不如说
      You use if anything, especially after a negative statement, to introduce a statement that adds to what you have just said.

      e.g. I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.

11. 或其他什么的;诸如此类
      You can add or anything to the end of a clause or sentence in order to refer vaguely to other things that are or may be similar to what has just been mentioned.

      e.g. Listen, if you talk to him or anything make sure you let us know, will you...
      e.g. He didn't cry or scream or anything.

anything 单语例句

1. From a business perspective, anything that makes an organization more effective or more efficient has value.

2. " Contraband " was recorded while Weiland was dealing with another drugs bust, and amid massive skepticism that the group would amount to anything.

3. Beijing is ordering local officials to adhere to a new " made in China " policy when buying anything.

4. " You don't gain anything by being negative, " he said.

5. " We haven't seen anything spread so fast, " she said by telephone.

6. That's why when they see anything suspicious, they call us right away.

7. When she was awake, she would listen for sounds and call out to anything she heard.

8. In Wu's opinion, this type of woman " can fix anything but men ".

9. " You can't do anything about injuries, " Mourinho said.

10. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

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