
apologise是什么意思 apologise在线翻译 apologise什么意思 apologise的意思 apologise的翻译 apologise的解释 apologise的发音 apologise的同义词

apologise [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz]  [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] 

apologise 基本解释


apologise 网络解释

1. 道歉吗:Let me take to him some words of conciliation...|让我传一些调解性的话给他 | Apologise?|道歉吗? | John.|约翰

2. 见:apologize vi.道歉,谢罪 | apologise 见apologize | biology n.1生物学,2.生理

apologise 双语例句

1. Here is your Garlic Chicken without the chillies. I apologise for any inconvenience.

2. I am grateful for the extra time that I had for this debate, and I apologise for my churlish point of order, which turned out to be entirely misconceived.

3. I knew once a gentleman and very worthy practitioner in Vanity Fair, who used to do little wrongs to his neighbours on purpose, and in order to apologise for them in an open and manly way afterwards--and what ensued?

4. We apologise for the inconvenience and will be working to ensure that this service is available again on Monday.

5. Moreover, if I were to feel humiliated by having to apologise, my six-figure pension is more than enough to plaster up my bruised ego!

6. We will not apologise for our wayof life, nor will we waver in its defence, and for those who seekto advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughteringinnocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannotbe broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.

7. I should have told you, and I apologise.

8. I know it was wrong and I apologise.

9. apologise的翻译

9. I apologise for what I said just now.

10. Welcome to the madhouse. I apologise for Malcolm.

11. apologise什么意思

11. I apologise for it being a bit long-winded!

12. The temporary detention of the crew and the plane for investigation was only natural since the Americans denied responsibility and refused to apologise.

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. Finally, I`d like to thank you for your ongoing support for Nutricia relating to this issue and apologise for any discomfort which this change will have on you or your baby.
      最后,我感谢你对 Nutricia 的支持以及由此造成你或你孩子的不便表示道歉。

14. Hi, I got your information off whois and I apologise for contacting you out ofthe blue like this.

15. There are more updates on incentives to come, 20 new languages roll-out, the Oxford Programme, Sitetalk Mall, training events, but because this State of the Nation is well overdue for which we apologise profusely!

16. apologise

16. There are more updates on incentives to come, 0 new languages roll-out, the Oxford Prograe, Sitetalk Mall, training events, but because this State of the Nation is well overdue for which we apologise profusely!

17. Again, I can only apologise - although I don't know why, it was nothing to do with me.

18. P. S. If this is the second copy of this email I do sincerely apologise.
      附笔 如果这是第二次复制这邮件我真诚地道歉。

19. apologise

19. I have come to apologise to you.

20. I want to apologise to you for shutting you out...

apologise 单语例句

1. It wants the newspaper to apologise and pay all the legal costs.

2. The protesters demanded Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologise for his visits to a Tokyo shrine that critics say glorifies Japan's past militarism.

3. " I would call upon this Islamic cleric to publicly apologise and repudiate his remarks, " Rudd said.

4. It got to bad that the woman Andre was talking to got really embarrassed and he had to apologise and walk away.

5. Michael also refused to apologise for his actions during a phone interview with British TV chat show hosts Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan.

6. Entertainment Weekly magazine executive editor Lori Majewski has recommended that Britney go on Oprah Winfrey's chat show to apologise for her recent behaviour.

7. We apologise to anybody who was offended and we promise that it will never happen again.

8. When you do not behave like you want to then you have to apologise.

9. Bush to apologise to Islamic countries and saying that proposals for permanent American bases on Afghan soil could damage the country's independence.

10. " We apologise for the distress that this will have caused, " an army spokesman said in an email to news organisations.

apologise 英英释义


1. acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing

    e.g. I apologized for being late
           He apologized for the many typoes

    Synonym: apologize

2. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning

    e.g. rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
           he rationalized his lack of success

    Synonym: apologizeexcusejustifyrationalizerationalise

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