
apology是什么意思 apology在线翻译 apology什么意思 apology的意思 apology的翻译 apology的解释 apology的发音 apology的同义词 apology的反义词

apology [əˈpɒlədʒi]  [əˈpɑ:lədʒi] 


apology 基本解释

名词道歉认错,愧悔; 正式辩解,正式辩护; 解释; 〈口〉临时凑合的代用品

apology 相关例句


1. apology

1. I owe you an apology for my rudeness last night.

2. It's a sad apology for a hat.

3. I owe him an apology.

4. It is a sad apology for a hat.

5. Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.

apology 网络解释

1. 辩护:柏拉图的许多著作采用苏格拉底与其他几位演说家进行对话的形式,西方研究者对这些对话的真实性和创作时间曾作过许多考证,比较确定的大致有二十八篇,其中包括:<<辩护>> (Apology)、<<卡麦迪斯>>(Charmides)、<<克莱多>>(Crito)、<<

2. (致歉):另一幅作品<<致歉>>(Apology),描绘了一个在大树桩前屈膝而跪的女孩,仿佛在向被砍倒的大树致歉,大树桩上也画上了一只眼睛,赋予植物以生命. 平淡的画面赋予了一个目前世界最为关注的环境保护,和人与自然的相互依存关系的深刻主题.

apology 词典解释

1. 道歉;认错;愧疚的表示
    An apology is something that you say or write in order to tell someone that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them.


    e.g. I didn't get an apology...
    e.g. We received a letter of apology...

2. (表示或作出)道歉
    If you offer or make your apologies, you apologize.

    e.g. His mother offered her apologies to the Jones family...
    e.g. When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal.

3. (对某事)无可道歉,无错可认
    If you say that you make no apologies for what you have done, you are emphasizing that you feel that you have done nothing wrong.

    e.g. Union officials made no apologies for the threatened chaos.

apology 单语例句

1. She settled the claim earlier this month following an apology and admission of error by the Daily Mirror newspaper.

2. The Australian radio station issued an apology on Thursday, but said the call had been made with " lighthearted intentions ".

3. Hundreds of indigenous Australians descended on Canberra to witness the historic apology which comes more than a decade after the Bringing Them Home report.

4. The ruling also ordered Dow Jones to cease using the plaintiff's calligraphy as a corporate symbol and to make a written apology to Guan.

5. CNS also demanded that the commercial site make a public apology, the newspaper said.

6. Japan said yesterday that the government stood by a 1993 apology acknowledging coercion.

7. That apology was unusual because it came from a department with coercive power that hides behind the cover of justice.

8. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has confirmed our doubts about his apology over his country's previous colonial rule and aggression.

9. " There will be no apology " from Israel for the May 31 commando raid, he added.

10. Japanese leaders have demanded an apology and compensation for the damage caused by the protesters.


apology 英英释义


1. a poor example

    e.g. it was an apology for a meal
           a poor excuse for an automobile

    Synonym: excuse

2. an expression of regret at having caused trouble for someone

    e.g. he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess

3. a formal written defense of something you believe in strongly

    Synonym: apologia

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