
apprehension是什么意思 apprehension在线翻译 apprehension什么意思 apprehension的意思 apprehension的翻译 apprehension的解释 apprehension的发音

apprehension [ˌæprɪˈhenʃn]  [ˌæprɪˈhɛnʃən] 


apprehension 基本解释


名词不安,忧虑,忧惧; 理解(力),领悟,了解; 拘捕


apprehension 相关例句


1. We felt no little apprehension over the result.

2. They will begin to cooperate in the apprehension of these gangsters.

3. He is quick of apprehension.

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4. She is a girl of weak apprehension.

apprehension 网络解释

1. apprehension什么意思

1. 领会:既然时间不能被单独地知觉(wahrgenommen)到,那么在知觉的对象、即在诸现象中就必定可以遇到这个基底,它表象出一般时间(Zeit überhaupt),并且在它身上,一切变更或同时并存都可以通过诸现象在领会(Apprehension)中与它的关系而被知觉到.

2. 领悟:★双日读书俱乐部(Doubleday Book Club)选书对棒球比赛的爱、领悟(apprehension)、队友情谊、良好的运动家精神、赢球的愉快与输球的苦恼......<<第十二个天使>>将我带回自己在加州打小联盟的日子.

apprehension 词典解释

1. 担心;忧虑;恐惧
    Apprehension is a feeling of fear that something bad may happen.

    e.g. It reflects real anger and apprehension about the future...
    e.g. I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.

2. 逮捕;拘押
    The apprehension of someone who is thought to be a criminal is their capture or arrest by the police.

    e.g. ...information leading to the apprehension of the alleged killer.

3. 理解;领悟
    The apprehension of something is awareness and understanding of it.

    e.g. ...the sudden apprehension of something familiar as something alien.

apprehension 单语例句

1. Their apprehension is legitimate, and the community should address it seriously.

2. Identifying the dead was proving hard because of language difficulties and the reticence and apprehension of some of the 16 survivors in aiding detectives.

3. But the tranquil scene was shattered one day late last month and a mysterious cloud of apprehension has since descended on the village.

4. The campaign culminated in the closing of four prominent nightclubs in Beijing and the apprehension of over 500 escort women in May.

5. There is also apprehension that the dispute could get worse and lead to industrial action that would severely disrupt medical services across the city.

6. Palestinians reacted with a mixture of glee at seeing the fall of their longtime enemy and apprehension at the instability that could follow.

7. Even though hundreds of prisoners were released, observers say mass apprehension is still vigorous across the country and violence is continuing unabatedly.

8. Israeli officials have recently expressed apprehension over events in southern Lebanon which Israel claims suggest that Hezbollah is seeking to provoke another round of conflict.

9. She was told later that the Ministry also asked some other actresses but were turned down because of apprehension of prevalent bias.

10. It was the prompt action and quick thinking of our gallery assistant staff that led to the swift apprehension of the attacker.

apprehension 英英释义



1. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal)

    e.g. the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar

    Synonym: arrestcatchcollarpinchtaking into custody

2. the cognitive condition of someone who understands

    e.g. he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect

    Synonym: understandingdiscernmentsavvy

3. painful expectation

    Synonym: misgiving

4. fearful expectation or anticipation

    e.g. the student looked around the examination room with apprehension

    Synonym: apprehensivenessdread

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