
arrange是什么意思 arrange在线翻译 arrange什么意思 arrange的意思 arrange的翻译 arrange的解释 arrange的发音 arrange的同义词 arrange的反义词

arrange [əˈreɪndʒ]  [əˈrendʒ] 


arrange 基本解释


及物动词整理; 把…(系统地)分类; 改编(剧本等); 达成…的协议

不及物动词(就某事与某人)达成协议,(与某人)商定(某事)(with a person about 或 for a thing); [音乐](尤指专业)改编乐曲


arrange 情景对话



B:From what I've heard, you're already well up in shipping work.

A:Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.



A:Who will meet you at the air port?

B:No one.

A:Oh, than I will arrange one of my staff to meet you at the airport.


A:Front desk. May I help you?

B:I’m going to check out tomorrow but will be back in a week’s time. Can I leave my luggage here?

A:Yes, sure. We do have a storage service. When will you be checking out tomorrow?


B:About nine-thirty in the morning.
      大约早上9 点半吧。

A:Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00?
      那么我们安排服务生9 点来取行李可以吗?


A:May I have your room number, please?

B:It's 1218.

A:1218. We’ll collect your luggage at 9:00 tomorrow. Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt, please?
      1218.我们明早9 点来取行李,然后麻烦您到服务台来取收据。

B:Thank you very much, bye!

A:You’re welcome. Goodbye.

arrange 网络解释

1. arrange的翻译

1. 整理:在整理(Arrange)窗口内按ESC键即可快速登陆工具栏,不管你做什么它都会出现在你鼠标光标显现的位置,这一点对那些从Cubase转变过来的用户极为重要,因为如果你按右键的话,在Logic里就会自动添加所谓声部(Part).

2. 排列命令:(1)排列命令(Arrange) . 快捷键:Ctrl+W 执行该命令,可以匀称整洁地排列工作区和打开的元器件箱窗口以及打开的描述窗口.并将尽可能把 打开的窗口放大显示. (2)电路命令(Circuit) . 执行该命令可以将电路工作区窗口调到前台,

arrange 词典解释

1. 安排;准备;筹划
    If you arrange an event or meeting, you make plans for it to happen.


    e.g. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen...
    e.g. This time it was a friend ringing to try to arrange a fishing trip in Scotland...

2. 商定;谈妥
    If you arrange with someone to do something, you make plans with them to do it.

    e.g. I've arranged to see him on Friday morning...
    e.g. It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel...

3. 安排;准备
    If you arrange something for someone, you make it possible for them to have it or to do it.

    e.g. I will arrange for someone to take you round...
    e.g. The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter...

4. 排列;布置;整理
    If you arrange things somewhere, you place them in a particular position, usually in order to make them look attractive or tidy.


    e.g. When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers...
    e.g. He started to arrange the books in piles...

5. 改编(乐曲)
    If a piece of music is arranged by someone, it is changed or adapted so that it is suitable for particular instruments or voices, or for a particular performance.

    e.g. The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player, Ron Carter.

arrange 单语例句


1. The China Banking Regulatory Commission also called an emergency meeting yesterday to arrange relief measures.

2. Premier Wen Jiabao called Jiangxi Party head Meng Jianzhu, urging provincial and local governments to arrange food and shelter for residents.

3. The education department should properly arrange the beginning of terms for schools of all levels according to actual conditions.

4. The school will arrange for students to catch up on missed work when classes resume.

5. Many Net cafe inhabitants rely on their cell phones to arrange day jobs that don't require a fixed address.

6. The directive also requires video sites to arrange censorship before airing programs.

7. Place breast meat in the center of the plate and arrange wings and drumsticks alongside.

8. The central and local government will arrange sufficient tax rebates for companies which sell products abroad.

9. Chafer said he hoped to arrange a distributorship with the Beijing funeral home but couldn't say when that might happen.

10. Also check China flights or China Travel in order to arrange a tour operator.

arrange 英英释义


1. arrange attractively

    e.g. dress my hair for the wedding

    Synonym: dresssetdocoifcoiffecoiffure

2. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events

    e.g. arrange my schedule
           set up one's life
           I put these memories with those of bygone times

    Synonym: set upputorder

3. make arrangements for

    e.g. Can you arrange a meeting with the President?

    Synonym: fix up

4. put into a proper or systematic order

    e.g. arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order

    Synonym: set up

5. plan, organize, and carry out (an event)

    e.g. the neighboring tribe staged an invasion

    Synonym: stage

6. adapt for performance in a different way

    e.g. set this poem to music

    Synonym: set

7. set (printed matter) into a specific format

    e.g. Format this letter so it can be printed out

    Synonym: format

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