
arrangement是什么意思 arrangement在线翻译 arrangement什么意思 arrangement的意思 arrangement的翻译 arrangement的解释 arrangement的发音

arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt]  [əˈrendʒmənt] 


arrangement 基本解释


名词安排; 排列; 约定; 改编


arrangement 相关例句


1. We have already made arrangements for our vacation.

2. I'll manage to reach some sort of arrangement with him.

3. The arrangement of the furniture in our new house took a long time.

arrangement 网络解释

1. 配置:从概念上来看,组织是角色之间关系的有机配置(arrangement),组织结构涉及组织角色为完成组织整体目标,根据能力进行的分工和协作. 不同的时代要求组织有不同程度的能力,也就需要不同的组织形式. 在变化管理中,流程的优化要求组织结构变革.

arrangement 词典解释

1. 安排;准备;筹划
    Arrangements are plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen or be possible.


    e.g. The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit...
    e.g. She telephoned Ellen, but made no arrangements to see her.

2. 商定;约定;协议
    An arrangement is an agreement that you make with someone to do something.

    e.g. The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement...
    e.g. Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month.

3. 排列;布置;整理
    An arrangement of things, for example flowers or furniture, is a group of them displayed in a particular way.

    e.g. The house was always decorated with imaginative flower arrangements.
    e.g. ...an arrangement of dark-blue armchairs around a coffee table.

4. (乐曲的)改编
    If someone makes an arrangement of a piece of music, they change it so that it is suitable for particular voices or instruments, or for a particular performance.


    e.g. ...an arrangement of a well-known piece by Mozart...
    e.g. Glen Bronka wrote his own orchestral arrangements.

arrangement 单语例句

1. Although people today have a busy life, taking half an hour every week to make a flower arrangement can bring joy.

2. A preferential tariff arrangement with some African countries will boost the continent's exports to China and activate its trade ties with the nation.

3. More than US $ 1 billion of overseas capital has flowed into A shares and bonds over the past year through the QFII arrangement.

4. Chafer said his company is discussing an arrangement with Beijing Great Wall Chinese Shrine, a funeral home and columbarium in the Chinese capital.

5. Jiao said the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Shanghai and Hong Kong provides an excellent opportunity enabling the two cities to development their capital markets.

6. CEPA's implementation signifies a new stage in the integration of the two economies, regulated and fostered by a systematic arrangement.

7. Nearly all aspects - from the quality of clothes to the design concepts and the arrangement inside clothing stores - have improved a great deal.

8. But he added that both parties are addressing the issue, trying to work out an arrangement that puts Master Kong noodles back on store shelves.

9. Some consider cohabitation as an emotional arrangement and marriage as more practical.

10. A total of seven nations must sign the protocol for the trade arrangement to come into force.

arrangement 英英释义


1. the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music

    Synonym: arrangingtranscription

2. the spatial property of the way in which something is placed

    e.g. the arrangement of the furniture
           the placement of the chairs

    Synonym: placement

3. an organized structure for arranging or classifying

    e.g. he changed the arrangement of the topics
           the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original
           he tried to understand their system of classification

    Synonym: organizationorganisationsystem

4. the thing arranged or agreed to

    e.g. they made arrangements to meet in Chicago

    Synonym: agreement

5. a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments

    Synonym: musical arrangement

6. an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit
    the result of arranging

    e.g. a flower arrangement

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