
arrival是什么意思 arrival在线翻译 arrival什么意思 arrival的意思 arrival的翻译 arrival的解释 arrival的发音 arrival的同义词 arrival的反义词

arrival [əˈraɪvl]  [əˈraɪvəl] 


arrival 基本解释

名词到达,抵达; 出现,登场; 新生婴儿; 到达者

arrival 相关例句


1. His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.

2. We waited for his arrival.

3. The new arrival is a boy.

4. The arrival of the train was delayed.

5. arrival的翻译

5. They went out to welcome the new arrivals.

arrival 网络解释

1. 抵达:雪梨出生的Jenny Kee是澳洲时装界的代表性人物,她以设计一系列色彩鲜艳独特的服饰和毛衣闻名,是澳洲最为重要的设计师之一,她还获邀参与两千年雪梨奥运会开幕名为抵达(Arrival)开幕演出的衣料作构思和设计;

2. 到港:不挨宰的窍门是,那些穆斯林司机只在楼下的到港(ARRIVAL)层等客, 建议你抵达后乘电梯上到离港(DEPARTURE)层. 门外会有刚送客人下车的出租车,这些司机本来就打算空车回城里的. 如果你上他们的车,他们会非常高兴. 打表不成问题,

3. arrival的近义词

3. 到来,到达:arrest 逮捕,拘留 | ▲arrival 到来,到达 | ▲arrive 到达,达到

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. arrival:arr; 到达,到场

arrival 词典解释

1. (人或交通工具的)到达,到来
    When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, you can refer to their arrival .


    e.g. ...the day after his arrival in England...
    e.g. He was dead on arrival at the nearby hospital.

2. 上任;就任
    When someone starts a new job, you can refer to their arrival in that job.


    e.g. ...the power vacuum created by the arrival of a new president...
    e.g. The company had eight departures and 11 new arrivals on its management board in 1980-1989.

3. 送到;运到;到货;出现
    When something is brought to you or becomes available, you can refer to its arrival .

    e.g. I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee...
    e.g. The coronation broadcast marked the arrival of television.

4. (某一时间的)到来;(某一事件的)发生
    When a particular time comes or a particular event happens, you can refer to its arrival.


    e.g. He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a party for his friends.

5. 初到者;新来的人
    You can refer to someone who has just arrived at a place as a new arrival .


    e.g. A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals...
    e.g. He was the most junior and most recent arrival at the embassy.

6. (婴儿的)出生,诞生
    When a baby is born, you can refer to its arrival.

    e.g. ...a couple anticipating the arrival of a new child.

7. 新生儿
    You can refer to a baby who has just been born as a new arrival .

    e.g. Her father was besotted with the new arrival.

arrival 单语例句

1. Except for a call right after his arrival, he was out of contact with his family.

2. Her arrival in 2006 brought thousands more visitors to the zoo and millions of clicks to an online panda cam.

3. " The United States is back, " she declared upon arrival in the Thai capital on Tuesday.

4. The influx of foreign capital will continue in 2008, helped by the arrival of more new entrants such as Mirae Asset from South Korea.

5. In order to accommodate the arrival of visitors, the third terminal of the Beijing capital international airport is now under construction.

6. He visited the airport and the Nanchang railway station in the provincial capital upon arrival and inquired into the operation of flights and trains.

7. He went into cardiac arrest and died nearly three hours after his arrival.

8. MSNBC reported the allegations before Obama's arrival in Cartagena Friday afternoon.

9. The Spanish arrival and colonization brought Roman Catholicism to the country and became the main religion of Mexico.

10. It is excited about the arrival of charismatic former Formula One driver Juan Pablo Montoya and the Hispanic audience he is expected to draw.

arrival 英英释义



1. accomplishment of an objective

    Synonym: reaching

2. the act of arriving at a certain place

    e.g. they awaited her arrival

3. someone who arrives (or has arrived)

    Synonym: arrivercomer

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