
artillery是什么意思 artillery在线翻译 artillery什么意思 artillery的意思 artillery的翻译 artillery的解释 artillery的发音 artillery的同义词

artillery [ɑ:ˈtɪləri]  [ɑ:rˈtɪləri] 

artillery 基本解释


名词炮兵部队; 炮,大炮; 炮术; 〈美俚〉防身武器

artillery 反义词

artillery 相关例句


1. Heavy artillery fire caused great losses.

artillery 网络解释

1. artillery在线翻译

1. 炮兵:1860年,恩格斯给<<美国新百科全书>>写军事方面的词条,其中就有<<军队>>(Army)、<<炮兵>>(Artillery)、<<骑兵>>(Cavalry)、<<步兵>>(Infantry)和<<海军>>(Navy),见<<马克思恩格斯全集>>中文版第14卷(北京:人民出版社,1964年),所述甚详

2. artillery的近义词

2. 大炮:建造大量的大炮(Artillery)和众多的士兵单位,然后利用大炮摧毁敌方的大炮、防御设施和建筑物,利用步兵单位消灭敌方的其他单位. 记住,大炮相当脆弱,别让敌方的单位靠近它们. 另外,敌方大炮只需一发便可摧毁我方大炮,所以在发射后,

3. artillery的意思

3. 火炮:满族人派了一支大军到蒙古北部去镇压噶尔丹汗试图建立一个新的蒙古帝国的企图,火炮(artillery)的运用在这次大战中发挥了决定性的影响,准噶尔蒙古人退却了.

4. 炮:迫击炮(Artillery)任务目标:①炸毁迫击炮 ②炸毁武装直升机 ③升起旗由街道的A点爬出水道,往西行进会找到那两门迫击炮,不过那边的防守很是厉害,建议先去完成炸直升机的任务.

artillery 词典解释

1. 火炮;大炮
    Artillery consists of large, powerful guns which are transported on wheels and used by an army.

    e.g. Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.
    e.g. ...the sound of artillery fire.

2. 炮兵(部队)
    The artillery is the section of an army which is trained to use large, powerful guns.


    e.g. At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit.

artillery 单语例句


1. The Second Artillery Corps currently has 300 electronic engineers repairing the transmission line in the central Hunan Province.

2. The chain of command runs from the CMC, the Second Artillery Force and missile bases to missile brigades.

3. The Chinook helicopter is widely used by the military to transport troops and artillery supplies.

4. The operations of the Second Artillery Force must follow the orders of the CMC in the strictest and most precise manner.

5. They used a smokescreen device to conceal their movements, and their assault was supported by remote artillery fire.

6. So they set up fire nets round the building and disposed artillery and missiles there.

7. Grad rockets, artillery and tank fire rained down on Gadhafi positions in the center of the town.

8. US artillery and aircraft pounded southern sectors of the Sunni Arab insurgent enclave of Fallujah, residents said.

9. The Second Artillery Force Reserve mainly consists of the specialized missile support force and special equipment maintenance force.

10. Ethiopia deployed 21 artillery guns and several mortars in the zone around the same time, the report said.

artillery 英英释义


1. large but transportable armament

    Synonym: heavy weapongunordnance

2. a means of persuading or arguing

    e.g. he used all his conversational weapons

    Synonym: weapon

3. an army unit that uses big guns

    Synonym: artillery unit

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