
artistry是什么意思 artistry在线翻译 artistry什么意思 artistry的意思 artistry的翻译 artistry的解释 artistry的发音 artistry的同义词

artistry [ˈɑ:tɪstri]  [ˈɑ:rtɪstri] 

artistry 基本解释

名词技艺; 艺术之性质

artistry 网络解释

1. 安利雅姿:安利雅姿(artistry)美白系列不错含美国专利雅姿美白复合成分及多种天然珍贵植物精华,有效令肌肤均匀白皙,带来预防,调理,保护,重...姚先生,安利雅资的的美白乳液我用过,美白效果先不说,但是特别干,我在4月中下旬用就干的不得了,

2. artistry是什么意思

2. 艺术性质:近年来,在西方主要发达国家,艺术取向的教学理念的市场日益扩大,在对教学的研究过程和文献中,人们越来越多地使用艺术性(artfulness)、艺术性质(artistry)、全部技能(repertoire)、即兴创作(improvisation)之类的词汇来描述教学过程.

3. artistry的解释

3. 艺术之性质:artistically 有艺术地 | artistry 艺术之性质 | artless 朴实的

artistry 词典解释

1. 艺术才能;艺术造诣
    Artistry is the creative skill of an artist, writer, actor, or musician.


    e.g. ...his artistry as a cellist.
    e.g. ...portrait sculptors of considerable skill and artistry.

2. 技能;技巧
    You can use artistry to refer to a high level of skill in a sport or activity.


    e.g. John McEnroe beat Jimmy Connors with the most complete display of artistry the game had ever seen...
    e.g. Tea processing requires both technique and artistry.

artistry 单语例句

1. These fabrics are processed to shield static electricity and become flame retardant, which is synergy of artistry and utility.

2. Actress Katie Holmes visits Beijing as the ambassador for Artistry on Ice.

3. People leave the theater with the image of the peacock princess seared on their minds, marveling at her artistry and talking about her impossibly fluid moves on stage.

4. These must have puzzled those among the audience who had eagerly anticipated more of Yang's individual artistry and had come to pay her homage.

5. Many young and talented designers exhibited fascinating collections characterized by a blend of unique artistry, creative craftsmanship and a distinctive Malaysian touch.

6. They've been with Artistry since its 2010 inception, although they say the end of this 2012 tour will also signal their retirement.

7. Jiang urged domestic film makers to concentrate more on the quality and artistry of their movies instead of box office revenue.

8. Mark noted that this event was a beautiful example of the artistry and musicianship of a variety of students from young to old.

9. Her fascination with body artistry remains strong and she sees tattoos as a reflection of culture and history.

10. The range will be unveiled as part of the Hennessey Global Artistry Tour, a veritable delectation of the top music across the global sphere.


artistry 英英释义


1. a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation

    e.g. the art of conversation
           it's quite an art

    Synonym: artprowess

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