
arts是什么意思 arts在线翻译 arts什么意思 arts的意思 arts的翻译 arts的解释 arts的发音 arts的同义词 arts的反义词 arts的例句 arts的相关词组

arts [arts]  [arts] 


arts 基本解释


名词文科; 艺术( art的名词复数 ); 艺术作品; (需要技术、工艺的)行业; 文艺(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、文学等)

arts 网络解释

1. 自适应限制保护技术系统:捷豹XJ6L装备的自适应限制保护技术系统(ARTS),能将两级传动器、带有座位感测功能的乘客气囊、前排座垫中的侧向撞击胸部气囊、前排和后排侧向气帘、防颈椎撞击座椅设计以及ISOFIX后排儿童座椅附件的控制融合在一起.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 人文学科:被社会公认的人文学科(arts)的等级体系,以及在每一种人文学科内部,在各种风格、流派或时期内部的等级体系都与消费者的社会等级体系相对应. 这使鉴赏预先就具备了标志等级的功能.

3. arts:automated radar terminal system; 自动化雷达终端系统

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. arts:advanced rural transportation system; 先进的长途运输系统

5. arts:audio response time – shared system; 音频应答时间分享系统,音频响应分时系统

6. arts是什么意思

6. arts:american radio telephone system; 美国无线电话系统

arts 单语例句

1. Other lots include signed student membership cards to Lee's kung fu schools, and a martial arts book inscribed by the actor.

2. The class also combines the knowledge of yinglian with Chinese calligraphy, requiring students to master the use of brush and thus the calligraphic arts.

3. Other martial arts clubs in Beijing are also witnessing booms in business following six campus attacks in the last 50 days across the country.

4. The cardinal position accorded to Songshan is also reflected in the firmly entrenched reputation of Shaolin Temple being the origin of martial arts.

5. The Chinese National Academy of Arts will continue to carry out the project in 2012.

6. The exhibition presents more than 60 of his latest works inspired by such traditional arts as root carving and paper cutting.

7. It can be tough removing yourself from the shadow cast by your hugely successful father, especially when that man is the martial arts hero Jackie Chan.

8. After his first martial arts blockbuster Hero, there were many rumours about the cast of his new film.

9. " Arts is an acute reflection of identity, " Low says.

10. Officials expect to inaugurate the arts center at the beginning of 2014.


arts 英英释义



1. studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills)

    e.g. the college of arts and sciences

    Synonym: humanistic disciplinehumanitiesliberal arts

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