
artwork是什么意思 artwork在线翻译 artwork什么意思 artwork的意思 artwork的翻译 artwork的解释 artwork的发音 artwork的同义词 artwork的反义词

artwork [ˈɑ:twɜ:k]  [ˈɑ:rtwɜ:rk] 


artwork 基本解释

名词艺术品; 插图

artwork 网络解释

1. 底片:这个PCB的最终构图通常称为工作底片(Artwork). 每一次的设计,都必须要符合一套规定,像是线路间的最小保留空隙,最小线路宽度,和其它类似的实际限制等. 这些规定依照电路的速度,传送信号的强弱,电路对耗电与噪声的敏感度,

2. 艺术品:二、共同基金(Mutual Funds)、股票(Stocks)、债券(Bonds)、艺术品(Artwork)和其它正在增值的资产离婚后,基金所有人的前配偶仍然享有一定比例的基金收益. 根据法律的规定,前配偶应获得的比例与离婚之前获得的比例相同,

3. 作品:例如:在我校每届儿童画展中,要求班级中的每位同学创作一幅美术作品(artwork),在班级内展出. 就有个别同学放松自己的要求,心想:班级有这么多幅作品,也不缺我这一幅,应付过去就得了,于是懒得精心构思,懒得用心着色,草草完成了事.

artwork 词典解释

1. (书、广告中的)插图,插画
    Artwork is drawings and photographs that are prepared in order to be included in something such as a book or advertisement.

    e.g. The artwork for the LP was done by Bill Hofstadter.

2. (高品质的)艺术作品
    Artworks are paintings or sculptures which are of high quality.

    e.g. The museum contains 6,000 contemporary and modern artworks.
    e.g. ...a magnificent collection of priceless artwork.

artwork 单语例句

1. The huge wall artwork is carved in timber and cast in resin and steel.

2. Commemorative artwork has been found telling of how the pharaoh Amenhotep III killed more than 100 lions during a single hunt.

3. Wang was led by the conductor to their compartment where his artwork helped explain the situation.

4. Labels for the Creme de Corps lotion by Kiehl's feature reproductions of an artwork by Kenny Scharf.

5. In the meantime, it also offers training and curriculums for artwork exhibition and collection.

6. " It will help enterprise deduct guaranty fees during the trading of artwork, " he said.

7. Participants in the eclectic art and music event had planned to burn more artwork on Sunday night before yesterday's conclusion.

8. An elegant porcelain artwork by leading brand Elisa will be on show during the Interior Lifestyle China.

9. Photo taken on March 13, 2008 shows a giant silk embroidery artwork in Suzhou of east China's Jiangsu Province.

10. And he took pride in initiating the idea of inviting Cai for the artwork and eventually making it happen.

artwork 英英释义


1. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication

    e.g. the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book

    Synonym: artgraphicsnontextual matter

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