
as if是什么意思 as if在线翻译 as if什么意思 as if的意思 as if的翻译 as if的解释 as if的发音 as if的同义词 as if的反义词 as if的例句

as if [æz if]  [æz ɪf] 

as if 基本解释

好像, 似乎, 仿佛

as if 相关例句


1. She treats him as if he were a stranger.

as if 情景对话


A:Would you tell me how I should send this parcel to Shanghai, China? It contains only books.


B:You might send it as “Printed Matter”.


A:I wonder if I could have it insured here?

B:Of course. How much would you want to insure these books for?

A:Let me see… I think I can have them insured for five hundred dollars.
      我看看……我想我能投保500 美元。

B:Five hundred dollars, so you pay ten dollars for the insurance, that’s two percent of the total value of the article…
      500 美元,您付10 美元保险金,那是物品价值的2%。

A:Here’s a check for ten dollars.
      这是一张10 美元的支票。

B:Here’s your receipt. Now, please have it well wrapped and sealed.

Production Problems-(产品问题)

A:We're going to have a problem meeting the budget for the production of our new sound board.

as if是什么意思

B:How much of a problem?

A:Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.


B:Let me see . . .Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about three thousand dollars over budget?

A:That's right. It's going to cost about three thousand more to complete the first order.

as if是什么意思

B:I see...

as if

A:But if sales go as well as they should, that's still well within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.

B:In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order.

as if的意思

A:Exactly. After that, the product should finance itself.

as if的意思

B:OK. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial officer.

A:Yes, I know. But I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier.

as if的近义词

B:Well, you've got my support on this. I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree.

as if 单语例句

1. In business as in sports, victory is sweet only if the game is fair.

2. In China there is a cottage industry that pays people to act as if they are the voices of the public.

3. If they fail to act on the plan, the money could be released as soon as specific projects get the OK.

4. School education should act as insurance for children's moral cultivation even if parents educate their wards in matters of humanity and morality.

5. Many of the buyers identified themselves as early adopters and Apple enthusiasts, making it harder to tell if the iPad will win over mainstream customers.

6. Netanyahu told them any country would act in self defense if it were targeted by thousands of rockets as Israel has been by Gaza militants.

7. If the media hadn't discovered his story by accident, he would still be working anonymously as a migrant worker.

8. Liu said they usually contact applicants through an online messaging service or by telephone, and then the two parts will sign an agreement if everything goes as planned.

9. Iran has been acting as if the agreement were already in force but has held off ratification in parliament.

10. Local media reported the interior minister as saying he would review the bylaw if it passed.

as if是什么意思,as if在线翻译,as if什么意思,as if的意思,as if的翻译,as if的解释,as if的发音,as if的同义词,as if的反义词,as if的例句,as if的相关词组,as if意思是什么,as if怎么翻译,单词as if是什么意思
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