
ascertain是什么意思 ascertain在线翻译 ascertain什么意思 ascertain的意思 ascertain的翻译 ascertain的解释 ascertain的发音 ascertain的同义词

ascertain [ˌæsəˈteɪn]  [ˌæsərˈteɪn] 


ascertain 基本解释



ascertain 相关例句


1. ascertain的近义词

1. We must ascertain the usual customs of the local people and arrange accordingly.

2. Can you ascertain who he is?

3. We ascertained that he was dead.

ascertain 网络解释

1. 查明:不过,这里存在一个难题,即诉前开示仅仅被用作查明(ascertain)事实而非进行证言保全的范围如何确定?此外,如果允许进行诉前开示,是否开示只限于查明这种事实,该事实是否将会在后来的法庭审理中被采纳为证据?许多司法区颁布了一些规则,

2. 确定,查明:article 制品,产品 | ascertain 确定,查明 | assemble 组装

3. ascertain的翻译

3. 查明, 确定:arduous 艰巨的; 努力的 | ascertain 查明, 确定 | aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面

ascertain 词典解释

1. (尤指经过努力后)查明,弄清,确定
    If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.

    e.g. Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading...
    e.g. Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him...

ascertain 单语例句

1. The government needs to ascertain the administrative or legal responsibilities of related personnel.

2. The DPRK will also allow the IAEA inspectors to return to Yongbyon to ascertain the current status of the DPRK's nuclear program.

3. Lam said the judge would ascertain the validity of the EC members to nominate the candidates.

4. But to ascertain the true value of these various benefits to work out an alternate fair and equitable compensation programme can be frustrating.

5. The question is why the scheme was launched and so much money spent without further study to ascertain whether LPG was really a clean alternative.

6. As far as I could ascertain, journalists are grasping the opportunities offered by online publishing to write more freely.

7. The purpose is to ascertain if Manila has " sovereign rights " over the waters, he said.

8. Both political parties maintain private voter databases that allow them to closely monitor registration changes, but public data is more difficult to ascertain.

9. The issue at times would reach boiling point where a person would be sort of kidnapped in the crowd to ascertain the true identity.

10. Li made the tour to research energy production and supply and to ascertain how affected sectors and people have reacted to the price rise.

ascertain 英英释义


1. be careful or certain to do something
    make certain of something

    e.g. He verified that the valves were closed
           See that the curtains are closed
           control the quality of the product

    Synonym: seecheckinsuresee to itensurecontrolassure

2. learn or discover with certainty

3. establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study

    e.g. find the product of two numbers
           The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize

    Synonym: determinefindfind out

4. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

    e.g. I want to see whether she speaks French
           See whether it works
           find out if he speaks Russian
           Check whether the train leaves on time

    Synonym: determinecheckfind outseewatchlearn

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