
aside是什么意思 aside在线翻译 aside什么意思 aside的意思 aside的翻译 aside的解释 aside的发音 aside的同义词 aside的反义词 aside的例句

aside [əˈsaɪd]  [əˈsaɪd] 


aside 基本解释

副词在旁边,在一边,到旁边,到一边; 撇开(…暂且不谈),留存; [戏]独(白),旁(白); (用于名词后)除…以外

名词[戏]旁白,独白; 低声说的话,离题话


aside 相关例句


1. He stepped aside to let her pass.

2. aside在线翻译

2. He stood aside to let me pass.

3. Swimming is easier if you put your fears aside.

4. We turned aside from the main road.

aside 情景对话


A:Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you?

B:Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?

A:Yes, we have. For how many?

B:Please keep two for us to pick up.

A:Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?

B:Window, please.


aside 网络解释

1. 在旁边:Ⅱ一条(a)带子(band)破又旧,只好丢弃在(on)地上坚持在旁边(aside) 相关:law-abiding (a.守法的)

2. aside的翻译

2. 旁白:甚至会因某一时期或类型的特殊需求,对语言的基础规则加上特殊的限制,因此产生一些或一套次要规则(secondary rules),或称之为次码规(subcode)<注18>,如以戏剧的三种语言独白(soliloque)、对白(dialogue)、旁白(aside)来说,独白代表独处经验,

3. aside什么意思

3. 旁边:这个雕塑在经过了几个月的时间里既然无人问津,无人去维护,以致上面布满了灰尘(ash)而且锈迹斑斑,看到出现这般的情况,我想所有有关负责此项事物的人都应该有个惭愧的(ashamed)心,为此路过的行人也不敢站在旁边(aside)了.

4. 内容旁边的侧边栏内容:article:文章 | aside:内容旁边的侧边栏内容 | audio:音频

aside 词典解释


In addition to the uses shown below, aside is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘cast aside’, ‘stand aside’, and ‘step aside’.
除下列用法外,aside 还可用于cast aside, stand aside 和 step aside等短语动词中。

1. (把…放或移)向一边,到一边
    If you move something aside, you move it to one side of you.


    e.g. Sarah closed the book and laid it aside.

2. (把…带或拉)到一边
    If you take or draw someone aside, you take them a little way away from a group of people in order to talk to them in private.


    e.g. Billy Ewing grabbed him by the elbow and took him aside...
    e.g. Will put his arm around her shoulders and drew her aside.

3. 向旁边;向一旁
    If you move aside, you get out of someone's way.

    e.g. She had been standing in the doorway, but now she stepped aside to let them pass.

4. 留出;空出;攒下来
    If you set something such as time, money, or space aside for a particular purpose, you save it and do not use it for anything else.

    e.g. She wants to put her pocket-money aside for holidays.
    e.g. ...the ground set aside for the new cathedral.

5. 不理;不顾;置之一边地
    If you brush or sweep aside a feeling or suggestion, you reject it.


    e.g. Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings...
    e.g. The Prime Minister swept aside concern about the rising cost of mortgages.

6. (谈话中)撇开…不谈
    You use aside to indicate that you have finished talking about something, or that you are leaving it out of your discussion, and that you are about to talk about something else.


    e.g. Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods...
    e.g. Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts.

7. (戏剧中的)旁白
    An aside is a comment that a character in a play makes to the audience, which the other characters are supposed not to be able to hear.


    e.g. Exasperated with her children, she rolls her eyes and mutters an aside to the camera, 'No wonder I drink!'

8. 题外话;插入语
    An aside is something that you say that is not directly connected with what you are talking about.

    e.g. The pace of the book is leisurely, with enjoyable literary and historical asides.


1. 同apart from(通常用于美国英语)
    Aside from means the same as apart from. This form is more usual in American English.

aside 单语例句

1. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

2. Combine the pumpkin puree, buttermilk and vanilla in a medium bowl and set aside.

3. It is best to set aside a whole day to admire the many statues and bas reliefs.

4. Hu has also set aside a good deal of her savings for her son's further education.

5. Mix and knead by hand to soft dough, then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour.

6. She said it was almost by instinct that she took the battery out of her phone and put it aside.

7. Aside from a cadre of top aides working for Lawlor, the staff around Ridge is exceedingly spare.

8. For cities and counties frequently hit by natural disasters, local governments should set aside reserves for coping in the event of a calamity.

9. But stations almost all over China were already casting calisthenics aside in favor of other programs.

10. Education experts hoped the government would set aside adequate capital next year to fund the country's compulsory education.

aside 英英释义



1. a message that departs from the main subject

    Synonym: digressionexcursusdivagationparenthesis

2. a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage


1. not taken into account or excluded from consideration

    e.g. these problems apart, the country is doing well
           all joking aside, I think you're crazy

    Synonym: apart

2. in reserve
    not for immediate use

    e.g. started setting aside money to buy a car
           put something by for her old age
           has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day

    Synonym: byaway

3. on or to one side

    e.g. step aside
           stood aside to let him pass
           threw the book aside
           put her sewing aside when he entered

4. out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts)

    e.g. brush the objections aside
           pushed all doubts away

    Synonym: away

5. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose

    e.g. had a feeling of being set apart
           quality sets it apart
           a day set aside for relaxing

    Synonym: apart

6. in a different direction

    e.g. turn aside
           turn away one's face
           glanced away

    Synonym: away

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