
asinine是什么意思 asinine在线翻译 asinine什么意思 asinine的意思 asinine的翻译 asinine的解释 asinine的发音 asinine的同义词 asinine的反义词

asinine [ˈæsɪnaɪn]  [ˈæsəˌnaɪn] 

asinine 基本解释


形容词驴的; 像驴的; 极蠢的; 倔强的

asinine 反义词


asinine 网络解释

1. 驴的:aside 在旁边 | asinine 驴的 | asininity 愚钝

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 愚蠢至极的:asinine 愚蠢至极的 | bookish 书呆子的,迂腐的 | childish 幼稚的

3. (笨驴一样的):canine 象狗的 | asinine (笨驴一样的) | buck 雄鹿,公羊

asinine 双语例句

1. We are not Duke Hsiang of Sung and have no use for his asinine ethics.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. I think that's totally asinine.

3. What an asinine thing to say!

4. We come to wear one cut of face and figure, and acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression.

5. asinine的反义词

5. Like I'm so bored I have to listen to his asinine pandering!

6. Where'd you come off with such a half-baked, asinine idea?

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. It break but only it is exhausting and it does the devotion, Your chyess of quarter likes to come it forgive this day For do, you it loves to send and pure it is not, Leave and settle it is sad and above-mentioned compare its voice of 啼 is long with it it is to make the person not quick, Love once the concerning the knot tail gives or get an electric shock the 析 it want to of place This Jen of the B night case song Person to want to send again and again in the morning is not I Or the gulf that it wait for and it believe and that it live, it came but Will see recently and this is the person The bedspread that you are innocent to leave mutually The face of the beauty is from its side Or asinine cyo of strange and hostile Manh of the month Rae It flows the elephant that, on-line I am love It throws to quarrel my that Dael of bedspread which roll over three Uss cyos of U lithium The I is not the service of water in the morning and will catch the elephant to come thus damned, And the automobile rise the tears flower of the breast is complacent, It will return and fear with it immediately and and report the place that it want Will revolve the cyo only in the mouth Person to want to send again and again in the morning is not I Or expired its steel of time believe with it, it live, is a place Will see recently and this is the person The Daen is innocent mutually it leave
    它打破但只它是吃力的并且它做投入,您季chyess 喜欢来它原谅的这天为了做,您它爱送并且纯净它不是,留下和安置它可悲与上述比较它啼声和它是长的它是令人不快的,爱一次关于结尾电析它想要给的地方 B 晚案件歌曲这Jen 人来想要一再送的上午不是我或它等待的海湾并且它相信并且那它居住,它来了但最近将看并且这是人您天真相离去的床罩美丽的面孔从它的边或月Rae 偏僻的敌对Manh 驴子cyo 它流动象那,在线我在爱它丢失和床罩我的那Dael 哪些滚动U 锂三Uss cyo I 上午不是水服务将捉住象这样来可恶,并且汽车上升到乳房的泪花是自负的,它将返回并且和它立即恐惧和和报告它要的地方在嘴只将旋转cyo 人来想要一再送的上午不是我或时间的失效它钢和它相信,它居住,是地方最近将看并且这是人 Daen 天真相它离去

8. Yet still the " asinine " bill passed.

9. I hope you win their appeal and throw this asinine verdict out.

10. Citizens doing police work? An asinine idea.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. Now that he has climbed into the life of the bourgeoisie, he sees all around him nothing but " asinine stupidity " beyond the glittering surface;

12. asinine的翻译

12. Well, until the recent market tumult seemed to render such concerns uncouth at best and asinine at worst.

asinine 词典解释

1. 愚蠢至极的;极笨的
    If you describe something or someone as asinine, you mean that they are very foolish.

    e.g. ...an asinine discussion.

asinine 英英释义


1. devoid of intelligence

    Synonym: fatuousinanemindlessvacuous

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