
asphalt是什么意思 asphalt在线翻译 asphalt什么意思 asphalt的意思 asphalt的翻译 asphalt的解释 asphalt的发音 asphalt的同义词 asphalt的反义词

asphalt [ˈæsfælt]  [ˈæsfɔ:lt] 


asphalt 基本解释

名词沥青,柏油; (铺路等用的)沥青混合料



asphalt 网络解释

1. 沥青:同一速度之下,在沥青(asphalt)地面上跑步,比在跑步机上跑步要消耗多 10% 的能量. 从以上的研究结果可见,不同水平的运动员在跑步机上进行跑步练习时,都会自行调整步长与步频,以致跑步的力学和动作都有别于在地面上跑,

2. asphalt的反义词

2. 地沥青:000的平均表观分子量;及(ii)自95至30重量%的弹性体(E1),其具有介于120,000至250,000之间的表观分子量;提供所述沥青组合物作为地沥青(asphalt)粘合剂或作为沥青屋面组合物的用途,

3. asphalt的近义词

3. 柏油:据美国通用之分类方法,炉用燃油共分为六种,其与本公司产品对照如下:柏油(asphalt)为一种含碳多而含氢少之黑色固体或半固体之石油产品. 因为品质及用途之不同,柏油类产品中包括:涂料柏油-铺路柏油为固体,使用时必须加热;

4. 柏油路:引擎声小到让你可以听到轮胎在柏油路(asphalt)上传动的声音.但是大多数是总是一次性的乌托邦设计(one-off utopian design)或是实验的样品,在节能发展上也扮演了重要(cuttingedge)的角色.日本在美国对手放弃研发日本的冶钢业虽然交出(cede)了大片江山给新兴市场的对手,

5. asphalt的解释

5. asphalt:asph; 沥青

asphalt 词典解释

1. 沥青;柏油
    Asphalt is a black substance used to make the surfaces of things such as roads and playgrounds.

    e.g. ...the school's asphalt driveway.

asphalt 单语例句

1. Sinopec accounts for more than half of the production of asphalt in China.

2. The sidewalk of the section is set in a tree avenue and surfaced with red asphalt for pedestrians to avoid contact with car exhausts.

3. More than a dozen vehicles were destroyed by the blast, which melted the asphalt of the road and covered it in pools of blood.

4. A coati bear emerges from the undergrowth and walks onto the asphalt, sniffs the car and then disappears into the jungle.

5. The dispute involves an international asphalt deal between the Chinese company and BP Singapore, a branch of global energy powerhouse BP.

6. In cities it can feel much hotter as asphalt roads and pavements pump the heat back up from below.

7. Wang Jiming said the company's domestic asphalt share is expected to rise from last year's 24 per cent to 30 per cent within two years.

8. Every village in Dehong Prefecture benefits from highways and Dehong is the first prefecture in Yunan that extends asphalt road to every village.

9. Police at the airport also claimed ignorance of the drama, which had unfolded on the asphalt just metres from their station.

10. While workers patched the road with asphalt, vehicles had to slow down as they joined the queue to enter the tunnel.

asphalt 英英释义


1. a dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as residue from petroleum distillation
    consists mainly of hydrocarbons

    Synonym: mineral pitch

2. mixed asphalt and crushed gravel or sand
    used especially for paving but also for roofing



1. cover with tar or asphalt

    e.g. asphalt the driveway

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