
ass是什么意思 ass在线翻译 ass什么意思 ass的意思 ass的翻译 ass的解释 ass的发音 ass的同义词 ass的反义词 ass的例句 ass的相关词组

ass [æs]  [æs] 


ass 基本解释


名词屁股; 驴子; 愚蠢的人

ass 相关词组

1. on one's ass : 穷困潦倒, 处境艰难, 毫无希望;

ass 相关例句


1. ass

1. Don't be such an ass, stop clowning around.

ass 网络解释

1. 蠢驴:他可是一个密切关注政治时事的人,由于最近日本狂性大发死灰复燃,他一锤定音般地将其斥之为垃圾(junk)、色鬼(adult)、婊子(prostitute)、蠢驴(ass)、下流(nasty)的魔鬼(evil)、流氓(scamp)和臭狗屎(excrement).

2. 驴子:杂志山上(m)驴子(ass)很多群众(mass)被装甲车(ac)上的阿姨(re)大屠杀哭泣(sob)的儿子(er)是清醒的六个(vi)城市(ci)有恶毒的缆绳(ous)六只(vi)蜜蜂(b)按比例(rate)震动联合国(un)与一个(an)烟鬼(im)就缆绳(ous)问题达成全体一致拖船(tu)上的肉(r)不(bu)借(lent)给龙王爷,

3. ass的翻译

3. ass:air suction system; 进气装置

4. ass:adaptive seat system at; 全功能座椅系统

5. ass:arterial steal syndrome; 后动脉盗血综合征

6. ass:active suspension systems; 主动悬架

ass 词典解释

    An ass is an animal which is related to a horse but which is smaller and has long ears.


2. 傻瓜;笨蛋
    If you describe someone as an ass, you think that they are silly or do silly things.


    e.g. He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.

3. 屁股
    Your ass is your bottom.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 arse bum

4. (通过语言或暴力)泄愤,发泄不满情绪
    To kick ass or to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force.

    e.g. They've really been kicking ass lately — busting places up, harassing everybody...
    e.g. He damn well better not try it now or he will damn well get his ass kicked.

5. (粗鲁地表示愤怒或异议)去你的,去死
    Saying that someone can kiss your ass is a very rude way of expressing anger or disagreement.

6. 出洋相;闹笑话
    If you say that someone makes an ass of themselves, you mean they behave in a way that you think is very silly.

    e.g. I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves.

7. a pain in the ass -> see pain

ass 单语例句


1. After all, he's got to get Frank all better so he can kick his ass!

2. A Formosan says President Chen is still kissing the US's ass!

3. There is also a lengthy talk about how McGovern's angry retort to a heckler to " kiss his ass " would affect his prospects.

4. They are trying to suck us into the city and we haven't got enough ass up here to sustain this.

5. Not only did the Shaolin monks have the license to kick ass, but they were not bound by eating and drinking restrictions.

6. One good result is that many rare animals such as the Mongolian gazelle and the Asiatic wild ass have also increased in population.

7. Cramp in your ass, you can't sit on it anymore.

ass 英英释义


1. slang for sexual intercourse

    Synonym: fuckfuckingscrewscrewingnookynookiepiece of asspiece of tailroll in the hayshagshtup

2. hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse

3. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

    e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
           are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

    Synonym: buttocksnatesarsebuttbacksidebumbunscanfundamenthindquartershind endkeisterposteriorpratrearrear endrumpsternseattailtail endtooshietushbottombehindderrierefanny

4. a pompous fool

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