
assembly是什么意思 assembly在线翻译 assembly什么意思 assembly的意思 assembly的翻译 assembly的解释 assembly的发音 assembly的同义词

assembly [əˈsembli]  [əˈsɛmbli] 


assembly 基本解释

名词装配; 集会; 议会; 立法机构

assembly 相关例句


1. The former president addressed a large assembly.

assembly 网络解释

1. 组装:IPC技术标准目录之电子组 装(Assembly)球栅阵列 (BGA)及其它高密度封装技术的应用印制板和电子组装件每百万件缺陷数(DPMO)和制造指数的计算印制板组装过程中每百万件缺陷数(DPMO)及合格率估计

2. 装配:UGNX三维造型、模具设计与数控加工 第一周 UG概况与曲面生成 第二周 草图、特征建模 第三周 特征操作与编辑 第四周 曲面生成与编辑 第五周 装配(Assembly) 第六周 分模加工 最后.一个月钳模工学习 一个月在工厂实习 了解详情请

3. 装配件:在.NET框架平台中,装配件(Assembly)是一个崭新的概念. 它是.NET框架应用程序的基础生成区块. 它是一个功能的集合,可以被当作一个独立的实现单元被生成、版本化和发布. 从本质上讲,装配件是一个逻辑上的动态链接库.

4. assembly:assem; 总成

assembly 词典解释

1. 议会;代表大会
    An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country.


    e.g. ...the campaign for the first free election to the National Assembly.
    e.g. ...an assembly of party members from the Russian republic.

2. 集会;集会者
    An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose.

    e.g. ...an assembly of women Olympic gold-medal winners...
    e.g. He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.

3. 集会(权利)
    When you refer to rights of assembly or restrictions on assembly, you are referring to the legal right that people have to gather together.

    e.g. The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection...
    e.g. They were accused of unlawful assembly.

4. (全校师生的)晨会,早会
    In a school, assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and pupils at the beginning of every school day.

    e.g. By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.
    e.g. ...a long room with a stage at one end for assemblies.

5. 装配;组装
    The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together.

    e.g. For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.
    e.g. ...workers at Sao Paulo's car assembly plants.

assembly 单语例句

1. Its business scope ranges from research to the design and assembly of small satellites.

2. Workers are busy fixing auto parts on the assembly line in the factory of JAC.

3. The IT products were transported by air from China to Cambodia on June 4, as part of the inauguration of the National Assembly's new office building.

4. China should by all means conduct overall design and final assembly of large aircraft by itself.

5. Serie A president Maurizio Beretta responded by saying that the contract could be signed at the next league assembly Aug 19.

6. Lawmaker Cyd Ho of Civic Act Up said postponement would not solve the problem that now confronted the assembly.

7. The government is composed of seven members elected by the Federal Assembly that take turns serving as president.

8. Recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN General Assembly would carry considerable diplomatic weight but would not carry legal clout.

9. He noted this is the first meeting in Africa of the IOC general assembly since its session in Cairo more than 70 years ago.

10. General Assembly's call for an end to military operations in the Gaza Strip.

assembly 英英释义


1. the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)

    Synonym: fabrication

2. the social act of assembling

    e.g. they demanded the right of assembly

    Synonym: assemblagegathering

3. a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit

4. a unit consisting of components that have been fitted together

5. a public facility to meet for open discussion

    Synonym: forummeeting place

6. a group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose

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