
atonement是什么意思 atonement在线翻译 atonement什么意思 atonement的意思 atonement的翻译 atonement的解释 atonement的发音 atonement的同义词

atonement [ə'təʊnmənt]  [əˈtonmənt] 

atonement 基本解释

名词赎罪; 弥补; (神与人的)调和; (常大写)(耶稣的苦难和死促成的)上帝与人的和好

atonement 相关例句


1. The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.

atonement 网络解释

1. 愛.誘.罪:<<爱.诱.罪>>(Atonement)女主角家境如此富贵,还是令我想起<<水泥花园>>相依相偎的小朋友,阶层虽然判若云泥,涌动的贺尔蒙同样渗透杀死猫的好奇. 这么多年,再没有读过麦艾文的书,逛书店见到他滚滚而来的著作在热卖,

2. atonement的翻译

2. 赎罪术:假如你是在魔法胁 迫效果下打破了誓言,你也会失去此专长带来的奖励,直到你完成了适当的行为以表悔过,并接受一个赎罪术(atonement)后才能恢复. 此外 ,所有获得和平誓言专长的人物都用过滤器喝水,以免无意中吞下了小虫子并造成它们的伤害或死亡.

atonement 词典解释

1. 赎罪;弥补;补偿
    If you do something as an atonement for doing something wrong, you do it to show that you are sorry.

    e.g. He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership...
    e.g. True guilt is characterized by a readiness to make atonement for having done wrong.

atonement 单语例句


1. Germany has gained a measure of respect for her atonement, but what has Japan done?

2. No religious prohibition exists against taking one's own life in Japan, where suicide was once a form of ritual atonement for samurai warriors.

3. It is a satirical play that combines comedy with grandeur and also examines revenge, atonement and other issues through its exaggerated performance.

4. He said Copenhagen represented an opportunity for collective atonement and provided the only approach that could prevent what was a crisis from becoming a catastrophe.

5. But it is challenged in 2000 when an urgent message draws him back to Kabul via Pakistan to fulfil family obligations and find atonement.

6. Various media have splashed the emerald green gown the actress dons in Atonement in newspapers, morning shows and tabloid TV programs.

7. South Korea and other Asian nations say Koizumi's visits to the shrine symbolize Japan's lack of atonement for its militaristic past.

8. Atonement and Michael Clayton trailed with seven nominations each, including best actor for George Clooney in the title role of Clayton.

9. China has opposed Japan's bid for a permanent seat, complaining about what many Asians consider Japan's lack of atonement for World War II abuses.

10. Not even a bit of revenge or atonement was sought by China's leaders during the handover negotiations.

atonement 英英释义


1. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity)

    Synonym: expiationpropitiation

2. compensation for a wrong

    e.g. we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store

    Synonym: expiationsatisfaction

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