
attendant是什么意思 attendant在线翻译 attendant什么意思 attendant的意思 attendant的翻译 attendant的解释 attendant的发音 attendant的同义词

attendant [əˈtendənt]  [əˈtɛndənt] 


attendant 基本解释


名词服务人员,侍者; 随从,随员; 伴随物

形容词伴随的,随之而产生的; 出席的; 护理的


attendant 相关例句


1. One of the difficulties attendant on shift work is lack of sleep.

attendant 网络解释

1. attendant

1. 侍从:这些作品照例刻画的是女人,琼斯懂得,要体现中国女人的特征莫过于让她们穿上旗袍,于是,无论是水彩画<<龙女士>>(Dragon Lady)还是雕塑<<侍从>>(Attendant),他都让她们穿上了或水彩描绘或真皮制作的旗袍.

2. attendant的反义词

2. 服务员:astronaut: 宇航员. | attendant: 服务员 | auditor: 审计员

3. attendant:attend; 空中服务员

attendant 词典解释

1. (加油站、停车场、更衣室等的)服务员,侍者
    An attendant is someone whose job is to serve or help people in a place such as a petrol station, a car park, or a cloakroom.


    e.g. Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.

2. 伴随的;附带的;相关的
    You use attendant to describe something that results from a thing already mentioned or that is connected with it.

    e.g. Mr Branson's victory, and all the attendant publicity, were well deserved.
    e.g. ...the risks attendant on the exploration of the unknown.

attendant 单语例句

1. Zhang is also the chief judge of the ongoing First Cabin Attendant Colleges Promotion Event, an activity aimed at helping foreign and domestic airlines select qualified attendants.

2. Flight 93's cockpit recorder captured the hijackers'last words and a flight attendant's begging for her life.

3. Fashion designers no longer see flight attendant uniforms as merely a piece of clothing worn at work.

4. A flight attendant lost a lawsuit claiming she got lung cancer from breathing secondhand smoke while she worked inside airplane cabins.

5. The crisis began when Flores told a flight attendant that a juice can he had was a bomb.

6. An attendant at the gas station was killed, along with two of the officers.

7. A PetroChina attendant fills up a customer's car with gasoline at a gas station in Shanghai.

8. An amputee was an immediate suspect when a store attendant found one shoe missing from a shop in the western Belgian town of Maldegem.

9. The attendant lawyers dress in red or black gowns and listen to the national anthem before delivering their speeches.

10. Police would not say how much money he had taken from the attendant, who had been alone in the arcade.

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