
attrition是什么意思 attrition在线翻译 attrition什么意思 attrition的意思 attrition的翻译 attrition的解释 attrition的发音 attrition的同义词

attrition [əˈtrɪʃn]  [əˈtrɪʃən] 

attrition 基本解释

名词消耗; 摩擦; 消磨; (神学)不彻底的忏悔

attrition 相关例句


1. The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries.

attrition 网络解释

1. 磨损:RoN里的重大创新就是引入了国界和磨损(Attrition)的设计. 国界代表着你的王国的势力范围,建筑设施只有在国界之内方能建造;如果敌人进入你的国界,又没有补给马车陪同的话,将缓慢地去血,这就是磨损,该项科技在防御塔里研究,分3级,

2. 磨耗:传统上,酸蚀(erosion)、机械磨损(abrasion)和咀嚼磨耗(attrition)被用于描述非龋性、病理性的牙齿组织丧失. 这些术语反映了与牙齿组织丧失相关联的特定致病因素. 然而Eccles提出由于单一的致病因素通常难以确定,

3. 磨擦:沙发面料应当比较厚实(thick),其克重在300克/平方米以上的较为经久耐用(durable, everlasting),而且必须确保磨擦(attrition)12000次以上表面不起球(ball).

attrition 词典解释

1. (对敌人造成的)削弱,耗损
    Attrition is a process in which you steadily reduce the strength of an enemy by continually attacking them.


    e.g. The rebels have declared a ceasefire in their war of attrition against the government.

2. 人员减缩;人员流失
    At a university or place of work, attrition is the decrease in the number of students or employees caused by people leaving and not being replaced.

    e.g. The company plans to cut a quarter of its workforce over six years through natural attrition and fewer hirings.

attrition 单语例句


1. I knew it was going to be a war of attrition in the second half.

2. Ancelotti felt Ferguson's decision to pack the midfield with five players had turned the match into a war of attrition for long periods.

3. Other problems with the rapidly growing security forces include drug use, widespread illiteracy and high rates of attrition.

4. Caldwell said the attrition rate last month for Afghanistan's civil order police force was 47 percent.

5. ManPower says the attrition rate in China is 25 percent greater than the global average at the management level.

6. Wong said people move on for all sorts of reasons but " attrition is well under control ".

7. It has shed more than 400 jobs since late last year through layoffs and attrition.

8. Spokeswoman Jennifer Weyrauch said they will be achieved through a mixture of attrition and layoffs.

attrition 英英释义


1. the act of rubbing together
    wearing something down by friction

2. a wearing down to weaken or destroy

    e.g. a war of attrition

3. sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation

    Synonym: contritioncontriteness

4. the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice

    Synonym: grindingabrasiondetrition

5. erosion by friction

    Synonym: abrasioncorrasiondetrition

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