
autograph是什么意思 autograph在线翻译 autograph什么意思 autograph的意思 autograph的翻译 autograph的解释 autograph的发音 autograph的同义词

autograph [ˈɔ:təgrɑ:f]  [ˈɔ:təgræf] 


autograph 基本解释

名词亲笔签名; 亲笔稿; 手稿; 真迹石版复制品

及物动词在…上亲笔签名; 亲笔书写; 亲笔签字; 用石版术复制

形容词亲笔的; 自署的

autograph 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. I asked the author to autograph my book.


1. May I have your autograph?

autograph 网络解释

1. 亲笔签名:此后发行了一系列优秀唱片,如1980年录制的唱片<<亲笔签名>>(Autograph),并继续致力于政治事业. 1981年,他与著名男高音歌唱家普拉希多多明戈(Placido Domingo)合唱了一曲<<可能是爱>>(Perhaps Love). 丹佛还到中国、前苏联演出.

2. 手稿:这一系列课程的内容已不再概论性地讲解每个时代的音乐文化特征、作曲家的艺术创造及具体作品的音乐特色,而是按每个音乐时代的发展脉络,研读对音乐史上的观念、现象、事件、作曲家、作品、体裁、形式、技法、风格、手稿(autograph)、抄本(manus

3. 簽名:莎芬签名(AUTOGRAPH)系列向来是以其令人惊艳的纹路,让所有的斗友喜欢不已. 而它的等级代号,更代表了其纹路的稀少性.

4. 笔迹:他回头见我手里有照相机,他赶紧他的步子急急的说,我不爱照相,有一次美国人来给了我很多的麻烦,我从此不叫来客照相,--我也不给我的笔迹(Autograph),你知道?

autograph 词典解释

1. (名人的)亲笔签名
    An autograph is the signature of someone famous which is specially written for a fan to keep.

    e.g. He went backstage and asked for her autograph...
    e.g. Young autograph hunters clustered around the players' entrance.

2. (名人)签名于
    If someone famous autographs something, they put their signature on it.


    e.g. I autographed a copy of one of my books.
    e.g. ...an autographed photo of Clark Gable.

autograph 单语例句

1. " I would ask for them to autograph for me after dinner, " she said.

2. His autograph is the most widely sought by young Chinese gamers at conventions, and aspiring games developers look to him as an inspiration.

3. I find it odd when people say, 'Can I have your autograph?

4. Ronaldo was eventually chased from the field as security failed to contain the crowd, with a few dozen fans jumping the barrier in search of an autograph.

5. Ding kept his composure to produce a winning clearance of 63 to delight the posse of Chinese autograph hunters in the Barbican Centre.

6. British actor Orlando Bloom apologised to a scooter rider who was almost killed in a road accident by writing him an autograph.

7. Thus the correspondent eager to convert him to Christianity was politely rebuffed, while another autograph hunter received her wish.

8. Soon lots of employees at the Great Hall of the People and journalists surrounded Pu, asking for his autograph and posing for pictures with him.

9. Bonds told the FBI shortly after the recording was made that Hoskins was stealing from him by forging his autograph on Bonds'memorabilia.

10. That's because he almost always agrees to scribble his autograph if a fan asks him for it.

autograph 英英释义


1. a person's own signature

    Synonym: John Hancock

2. something written by one's own hand



1. mark with one's signature

    e.g. The author autographed his book

    Synonym: inscribe

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