
auxiliary是什么意思 auxiliary在线翻译 auxiliary什么意思 auxiliary的意思 auxiliary的翻译 auxiliary的解释 auxiliary的发音 auxiliary的同义词

auxiliary [ɔ:gˈzɪliəri]  [ɔɡˈzɪljəri, -ˈzɪləri] 


auxiliary 基本解释

形容词辅助的; 备用的,补充的; 附加的; 副的

名词助动词; 辅助者,辅助人员; 附属机构,附属团体; 辅助设备

auxiliary 相关例句


1. The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed.


1. The doctor is hoping to find two auxiliaries to work under him.

2. auxiliary

2. This club has a women's auxiliary.

auxiliary 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 助动词:高中情态动词精讲与解析 一、概说 助动词(auxiliary)主要有两类:基本助动词(primary auxiliary)和情态助动词(modal auxiliary). 基本助动词有三个:do, have和be;情态助动词有十三个:may, might; can, could~

2. 辅助:在目标文件中使用,常规符号名包括下述部分:COFF格式支持大多数辅助符号属性,和主要(primary)符号属性一样,它们的设置都要在.def和.endef命令之间进行. 主要(primary)属性5.5.4.1 辅助(auxiliary)属性

3. 助词:汉语当然也有介词(Prepositional)、连词、助词(Auxiliary)等虚词,但这些虚词的词形往往又是实词,对计算机自动处理来说,不像日语助词那样有明显的区分作用.

4. auxiliary的翻译

4. auxiliary:aux; 无效,辅助输入接口

auxiliary 词典解释

1. (通常指医务或军队中的)辅助人员
    An auxiliary is a person who is employed to assist other people in their work. Auxiliaries are often medical workers or members of the armed forces.


    e.g. Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses.

2. (员工、军队)辅助的,协助的
    Auxiliary staff and troops assist other staff and troops.

    e.g. The government's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.

3. 备用的;后备的
    Auxiliary equipment is extra equipment that is available for use when necessary.


    e.g. ...an auxiliary motor.
    e.g. ...auxiliary fuel tanks.

4. 附属机构
    An auxiliary is an organization that is connected with, but less important than, another organization; for example, an organization for the wives of the members of the main organization.

    e.g. The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.

5. (语法中的)助动词
    In grammar, an auxiliary or auxiliary verb is a verb which is used with a main verb, for example to form different tenses or to make the verb passive. In English, the basic auxiliary verbs are 'be', 'have', and 'do'. Modal verbs such as 'can' and 'will' are also sometimes called auxiliaries.

auxiliary 单语例句

1. The group is also qualified to undertake project engineering, construction and auxiliary supply.

2. China has promulgated and implemented the Civil Air Defense Law of the PRC, and formulated a number of auxiliary civil air defense regulations.

3. There are eleven active corvettes and numerous patrol boats, amphibious landing ships and auxiliary ships.

4. The rest of the auxiliary lanes will measure 12 meters in width.

5. Steady progress has been made in the construction of auxiliary projects for nuclear energy.

6. Five policemen, two auxiliary police and two civilians were injured in the incident.

7. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Chicago said the hospitals would close rather than comply.

8. Covered galleries and auxiliary halls create a completely enclosed series of courtyards linking four large halls aligned along the central axis.

9. Covered galleries and auxiliary halls to create a completely enclosed series of courtyards link four large halls aligned along the central axis.

10. Then they submitted the valid invoice of the exempted land developing auxiliary fees to the company's account and got a reimbursement for Yang.

auxiliary 英英释义



1. someone who acts as assistant

    Synonym: aide


1. functioning in a supporting capacity

    e.g. the main library and its auxiliary branches

    Synonym: subsidiarysupplementalsupplementary

2. furnishing added support

    e.g. an ancillary pump
           an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
           The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other

    Synonym: accessoryadjunctancillaryadjuvantappurtenant

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