
awaken是什么意思 awaken在线翻译 awaken什么意思 awaken的意思 awaken的翻译 awaken的解释 awaken的发音 awaken的同义词 awaken的反义词 awaken的例句

awaken [əˈweɪkən]  [əˈwekən] 


awaken 基本解释

及物/不及物动词唤醒,(使)觉醒; (使)意识到


awaken 相关例句


1. Please awaken me at six.

2. His suspicions were awakened.


1. I awakened early because of the noise.

awaken 网络解释

1. 唤醒:其实并不尽然,虽然游戏剧情颇有点好莱坞式风格,惊险、刺激和噱头不断的兴奋点,但游戏却不是某个经典影片的重现,而是由Lifestream公司开发,Shady Brook公司负责发行的一款冒险游戏<<唤醒>>(Awaken).

2. 觉醒:;_觉醒(awaken)有从睡得寤、由迷转觉的含意. 通常觉醒是指从所见闻的事物而悟得形相以外的境界或法理. 例如,见花开花落而觉悟无常之理;牛顿为苹果击中而觉悟到万有引力之法则. =g;L如是简单的要求,乍看实在是容易,实则在现实生活中,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 醒:觉醒(awaken)有从睡得寤、由迷转觉的含意. 通常觉醒是指从所见闻的事物而悟得形相以外的境界或法理. 例如,见花开花落而觉悟无常之理;牛顿为苹果击中而觉悟到万有引力之法则.

4. 叫醒:awake 唤醒 | awaken 叫醒 | award 奖品

awaken 词典解释

1. 唤起,激起(情感)
    To awaken a feeling in a person means to cause them to start having this feeling.


    e.g. The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.

2. (使)意识到;(使)认识到
    When you awaken to a fact or when someone awakens you to it, you become aware of it.

    e.g. The British never awaken to peril until it is almost too late.
    e.g. ...the picture of the Earth, so blue and fragile, that awakened a generation to the Earth's mortality.

3. 醒来;唤醒;叫醒
    When you awaken, or when something or someone awakens you, you wake up.

    e.g. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments...
    e.g. He was snoring when Desmond awakened him.

awaken 单语例句

1. But a single action was not enough to reinvigorate China, nor could China awaken in a short period of time.

2. Experts say it is rare for frogs to awaken from their long winter slumber ahead of schedule.

3. Police Senior Sergeant Neil Cruickshank of Invercargill on New Zealand's South Island said the quake was strong enough to awaken him.

4. It will also strengthen local residents'confidence in the administration and awaken their care for local governance that directly relates to their interests.

5. When they were unable to awaken him, they had to carry him out of the apartment engulfed by flames and heavy smoke.

6. As national leaders one in East Africa, the other in Scandinavia we awaken each day to dramatically different realities.

7. Her special job was to awaken him from naps every 12 minutes so he could change reels.

8. The waitress, together with her two awaken roommates got panic and escaped the scene.

9. It is inevitable that the mainland will rise peacefully and people in Taiwan will awaken some day.

10. The decision was also expected to awaken concerns in India, which does not enjoy the special status.

awaken 英英释义



1. stop sleeping

    e.g. She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock

    Synonym: wake upawakearousewakecome alivewaken

2. cause to become awake or conscious

    e.g. He was roused by the drunken men in the street
           Please wake me at 6 AM.

    Synonym: wakewakenrousewake uparouse

3. make aware

    e.g. They were awakened to the sad facts

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