
baa是什么意思 baa在线翻译 baa什么意思 baa的意思 baa的翻译 baa的解释 baa的发音 baa的同义词 baa的反义词 baa的例句 baa的相关词组

baa [bɑ:]  [bɑ:] 


baa 基本解释



baa 网络解释

1. baa的翻译

1. 正丁醛苯胺缩合物:)行业分析第五节 2009年华中地区正丁醛苯胺缩合物(BAA)行业分析第六节 2009年西南地区正丁醛苯胺缩合物(BAA)行业分析第七节 2009年西北地区正丁醛苯胺缩合物(BAA)行业分析第五章 正丁醛苯胺缩合物(BAA)行业投资与发展前景

2. baa是什么意思

2. 英国机场管理公司:过去4年外国企业大举进军英国,前后以2920亿英 镑并购英国企业,包括电信公司O2、零售银行Abbey 、 英国机场管理公司(BAA)、高级汽车捷豹(Jaguar Land Rover)等相继被卖出.

3. 羊叫声 <单词词性>羊叫:jobsheet 工作记录卡 | baa 羊叫声 <单词词性>羊叫 | salivary stylet 涎针

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 绵羊的叫声:baa:绵羊的叫声 | bark:狗的叫声 | bellow:(公牛)吼叫声

5. baa:oral branched amino acid; 支链氨基酸

6. baa:basketballassociationof america; 美洲篮球协会

7. baa:business area analysis; 业务区域分析

8. baa:british airports authority; 英国机场管理局

baa 单语例句

1. Bonds which are rated Baa generally mean that interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking.

2. Dozens of flights out of London and Manchester were canceled due to the weather, and airport operator BAA advised passengers to check with their airline before flying.

3. Heathrow struggled with cancellations and delays in the aftermath of the incident and airport operators BAA said 12 flights had already been cancelled Friday.

4. The chaos has been a major embarrassment for BA and airport operator BAA PLC.

5. Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly said she had offered help to both British Airways and Heathrow airport operators BAA.

6. Flights to London's Stansted airport were disrupted on Monday after environmental campaigners staged a demonstration, airport operator BAA said on Monday.

7. BAA confirmed that the protests had caused no disruption to flights during the busy holiday season.

8. Airport authorities are encouraging travelers to check the BAA or airline websites before embarking on their journeys.

9. BAA Ltd Chief Executive Officer Stephen Nelson will quit after worsening delays at London's Heathrow airport drew criticism from airlines and travelers.

10. Heathrow operator BAA PLC said the four protesters were arrested after about 90 minutes and taken to the airport's police station.

baa 英英释义


1. the cry made by sheep


1. cry plaintively

    e.g. The lambs were bleating

    Synonym: bleatblateblat

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