
back up是什么意思 back up在线翻译 back up什么意思 back up的意思 back up的翻译 back up的解释 back up的发音 back up的同义词 back up的反义词

back up [bæk ʌp]  [bæk ʌp] 

back up 基本解释

不及物动词支持; <篮球>协防,补防; 堵塞; 复制; 往后退

back up在线翻译

back up 相关例句


1. He would have lost his position if you hadn't backed him up.

back up 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 备份:3 夏天的风 (Winds Of Summer) 词:卫斯理 曲:卫斯理04 新闻主播 (News Anchor) 词:卫斯理 曲:卫斯理06 王老五 (Single Man) 词:卫斯理 曲:卫斯理07 大哥大 (Cell Phone) 词:卫斯理 曲:卫斯理08 备份 (Back Up) 词:卫斯理/是元

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 支持:说起事务所关联的话题,首先,我想就日本方面的支持(back up)来说一下. 有一个传闻,以前(好像是80年代前半的时候),歌手赵容弼(Cho Yong-pil)意图进出日本. 很偶然地,在日本的某个私人聚会上,他在某日本著名歌手前面发表了演唱(只是宴会上的一个曲子).

3. 支援:ECU亦支援一组支援(back up)机构, 当gear position sensor 出现短路或开路(open circut)及sensor通往ECU的线路断线情形时ECU则会自动将MAP 读取锁定在只读取第6 档位置的MAP!

back up 词典解释

1. 支持,证实(某种说法)
    If someone or something backs up a statement, they supply evidence to suggest that it is true.

    e.g. Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory...
    e.g. Her views are backed up by a 1989 Home Office report on crime.

2. 备份(文件)
    If you back up a computer file, you make a copy of it which you can use if the original file is damaged or lost.

    e.g. Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals...
    e.g. I get so annoyed when I lose work because I've forgotten to back it up.

3. 将…付诸实施
    If an idea or intention is backed up by action, action is taken to support or confirm it.


    e.g. The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions...
    e.g. It is time the Government backed up its advert campaigns with tougher measures.

4. 支持(某人)
    If you back someone up, you show your support for them.

    e.g. His employers, Norfolk social services, backed him up.

5. 证实(某人)的说法
    If you back someone up, you help them by confirming that what they are saying is true.

    e.g. The girl denied being there, and the man backed her up.

6. 倒车
    If you back up, the car or other vehicle that you are driving moves back a short distance.

    e.g. Back up, Hans...
    e.g. He backed up a few feet and rolled the window down...

7. (车辆)堵塞,排成长龙
    If vehicles back up, they form a line of traffic which has to wait before it can move on.

    e.g. Traffic into London on the M11 was backed up for several miles.

8. 倒行;退着走;后退
    If you back up, you move backwards a short distance.

back up的反义词

    e.g. I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back...
    e.g. She backed up a few steps.

9. see also: backup

back up 单语例句

1. I had intended to go back home by car sharing, but eventually I gave up.

2. Visitors can ride a cable car most of the way up the mountainside and rocket back to its base by sled.

3. He hangs up, promising to discuss it with the boss and call back.

4. She wakes up around noon and finds plenty of missed calls on her cell phone from people she needs to call back.

5. The Wallabies victory was soured though by a shoulder injury sustained by utility back Scott Staniforth and may have to call up a replacement.

6. I woke up feeling like I had licked the back of a camel that had spent a week rolling in a salt pit.

7. On Saturday protesters swarmed back into Pearl square putting riot police to flight and confidently setting up camp for a protracted stay.

8. Yushchenko's allies sought to persuade thousands of activists to dismantle a tent camp sent up in central Kiev last month to back their candidate.

9. Tourism chiefs in Beijing are gearing up for their most important promotion campaigns ever - enticing visitors back to the capital.

10. Mamani and his neighbors must walk for blocks to two public taps to get water and then carry it back up the hill.

back up 英英释义


1. establish as valid or genuine

    e.g. Can you back up your claims?

    Synonym: back

2. become or cause to become obstructed

    e.g. The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
           The water pipe is backed up

    Synonym: clogchoke offclog upcongestchokefoul

3. make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy

    e.g. You'd better back up these files!

4. move backwards from a certain position

    e.g. The bully had to back down

    Synonym: back offback down

5. give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to

    e.g. She supported him during the illness
           Her children always backed her up

    Synonym: support

back up是什么意思,back up在线翻译,back up什么意思,back up的意思,back up的翻译,back up的解释,back up的发音,back up的同义词,back up的反义词,back up的例句,back up的相关词组,back up意思是什么,back up怎么翻译,单词back up是什么意思
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