
backfire是什么意思 backfire在线翻译 backfire什么意思 backfire的意思 backfire的翻译 backfire的解释 backfire的发音 backfire的同义词

backfire [ˌbækˈfaɪə(r)]  [ˈbækˌfaɪr] 


backfire 基本解释

不及物动词发生回火; 适得其反,事与愿违的结果



backfire 相关例句


1. backfire在线翻译

1. His scheme backfired (on him) and he lost money.

2. The car backfired.

3. backfire的解释

3. His scheme to win the girl backfired and she went to another guy.

backfire 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反):back on track重上轨道(改过自新) | backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) | ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆)

2. 产生反效果;逆火:submit 屈从;提交;主张,认为 | backfire 产生反效果;逆火 | speculate 推测;思索;投机(venture)

3. 回火:backfin 夹层;裂缝 | backfire 回火 | backfit 变形不大;修合

backfire 词典解释

1. 事与愿违;适得其反
    If a plan or project backfires, it has the opposite result to the one that was intended.

    e.g. The President's tactics could backfire...
    e.g. It all backfired on me!

2. (车辆或其发动机)逆火,回火
    When a motor vehicle or its engine backfires, it produces an explosion in the exhaust pipe.

    e.g. The car backfired.

backfire 单语例句

1. She acknowledged there was a risk the prize might backfire on Obama by raising expectations even higher and giving ammunition to his critics.

2. The influence of celebrities is an asset they can exploit, but they should be careful that their endorsements do not backfire and damage their image.

3. Austerity policies in Europe threaten to backfire, causing enduring harm to growth prospects and thus stoking unemployment and budget deficits.

4. The US and China are deeply interdependent, so hammering China is a strategy that is likely to backfire.

5. " It would backfire if Washington chose to support Mousavi, " Yuan said.

6. Local governments and businesses should be told that these industrial parks are trekking along a suicidal path and their malpractice could backfire at any time.

7. She said monetary policies are better for curbing inflation than harsh administrative measures that may backfire because expectations of further price rises could intensify.

8. Levenson and Simon cautioned the added charges could backfire if jurors interpret them as signs of excessive zeal on the part of the prosecution.

9. Simon cautioned that the added charges could backfire if jurors interpret them as signs of excessive zeal on the part of the prosecution.

10. He said such immature tactics could very well backfire, and the US president needed to demonstrate an awareness of core interests with China.


backfire 英英释义



1. a miscalculation that recoils on its maker

    Synonym: boomerang

2. a fire that is set intentionally in order to slow an approaching forest fire or grassfire by clearing a burned area in its path

3. a loud noise made by the explosion of fuel in the manifold or exhaust of an internal combustion engine

4. the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired

    Synonym: blowback


1. set a controlled fire to halt an advancing forest to prairie fire

2. emit a loud noise as a result of undergoing a backfire

    e.g. My old car backfires all the time

3. come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect

    e.g. Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble

    Synonym: backlashrecoil

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