
backlog是什么意思 backlog在线翻译 backlog什么意思 backlog的意思 backlog的翻译 backlog的解释 backlog的发音 backlog的同义词 backlog的反义词

backlog [ˈbæklɒg]  [ˈbæklɔ:g] 


backlog 基本解释

名词积压未办之事; 没交付的订货; 存货,储备

及物动词(使)积压; 储存

backlog 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. There is a large backlog of cases to hear.

backlog 网络解释

1. 积压待配订货:不过产品...积压待配订货(backlog)积压待配订货也称为订货板(order board)或是未完成订货(open orders)是指已收到客户的订单并且已经加以记录,不过产品...积压待配订货(backlog)积压待配订货也称为订货板(order board)或是未完成订货(open orders)是指已收到客户的订单并且已经加以记录,

2. 积压:移民局官员称,由于去年夏天如潮水般涌来的归化入籍申请,造成案件积压(backlog),差不多需要三年才能处理完成. USLawChina根据之前移民局向移民政策研究所提供的数字发现:在07年的五月、六月和七月的三个月间,移民局共计收到737,

3. backlog的意思

3. 积压而未交付的订货:30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布 | 1. backlog 积压而未交付的订货 | 2. terms of shipment 装运条件

4. backlog

4. 待办事项:background 后台 | backlog 待办事项 | backscrolling 反卷

backlog 词典解释

1. 积压的事情;未完成的工作
    A backlog is a number of things which have not yet been done but which need to be done.


    e.g. There is a backlog of repairs and maintenance in schools.

backlog 单语例句


1. Flights began to resume at midday, but further delays were reported in the afternoon due to the backlog of flights.

2. The backlog could be in the tens of thousands, according to some estimates.

3. The tournament began Thursday with a backlog of 174 matches, which was alleviated somewhat by the cancellation of the junior doubles events.

4. Many grassroots hospitals are running short of the accommodations and have a backlog of patients who are waiting to stay there to undergo treatment.

5. A director of the airline's corporate services said Wednesday the airline was considering a fourth extra flight to clear the massive backlog.

6. The backlog has allegedly been compounded by postal workers deliberately failing to deliver presents to save time on their rounds.

7. This represents 32 percent of the company's total backlog, reflecting the importance of the region as the fastest growing market for new civil aircraft.

8. The record low prices of produce may remain for a while yet, resulting in an unprecedented backlog of unsold farm products.

9. The postponement left tournament officials with a backlog of matches and forced them to reorganise Wednesday's schedule.

10. Mainland firms have been enthusiastic about going public in Hong Kong since 2004, partly due to a backlog for new listings on the mainland's bourses.

backlog 英英释义


1. an accumulation of jobs not done or materials not processed that are yet to be dealt with (especially unfilled customer orders for products or services)

2. something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose

    Synonym: reservestockpile

3. the large log at the back of a hearth fire



1. accumulate and create a backlog

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