
ballpark是什么意思 ballpark在线翻译 ballpark什么意思 ballpark的意思 ballpark的翻译 ballpark的解释 ballpark的发音 ballpark的同义词

ballpark [ˈbɔ:lpɑ:k]  [ˈbɔ:lpɑ:rk] 


ballpark 基本解释


ballpark 相关例句


1. Please give a ballpark estimate of future unit sales.

ballpark 网络解释

1. 活动领域,可变通范围;大致正确的:balance sheet资产负债表,决算表,平衡表 | ballpark活动领域,可变通范围;大致正确的 | bancassurance银行保险业

2. 棒球场:distance 距离;远方 | ballpark 棒球场 | cautiously 小心地;谨慎地

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 相近的;估算的:awarded给予 | ballpark相近的;估算的 | drill演习

ballpark 双语例句

1. Unfortunately I can only give you ballpark figures today.

2. Posada said he felt pain in his shoulder after a throw on Saturday, and when he came to the ballpark on Sunday he couldn't even have a game of catch.

3. ballpark的近义词

3. His number 15 is also displayed on the center field wall at Thurman Munson Stadium, a minor-league ballpark in Canton.
    他的15号背号被展示於位在坎顿市的小联盟球场,Thurman Munson球场的中外野墙上。

4. Includingall forms of federal, state, and local taxes, high income earners facemarginal tax rates in the ballpark of 50 percent (and perhaps evenhigher to the extent that incremental dollars are to be left to one'skids and thus taxed a second time by the estate tax).

5. ballpark

5. I need a ballpark figure on it.

6. Can you just give me a ballpark figure.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. Can you give me a ballpark figure?

8. The Red Barons` front-office staff, then employed by Lackawanna County, spent the 2006 season trying to lure another big-league franchise to the ballpark here at the foot of scenic, tree-lined Montage Mountain.
    Red Barons的球队办公室,随后就被Lackawanna郡所雇用,用了2006球季试图吸引另一个大联盟球团到这个风景秀丽、树木丛生的Montage山球场来。

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. So Yankee brass, save some money, keep the tradition and create a new type of ballpark with all the amenities.

10. ballpark是什么意思

10. A dad and his seven-year-old son were watching a Detroit Tigers game at the ballpark.

11. It was a new ballpark for me.

12. ballpark的意思

12. I can only give you a ballpark figure.


14. A: Can you give me a ballpark figure?

15. There are so many more advantages to RE-creating the most famous ballpark in the world.

16. Can you give me a ballpark figure.

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. Susan: I was just wondering if, if there's a ballpark of how long I will have to wait.

18. I can just give you a ballpark figure, fifteen.

19. I'd like to ack for a raise can you give me a ballpark figure?

20. As a general investigative agency, they're not in the same ballpark as the FBI.

ballpark 单语例句

1. He said the department could not offer a " ballpark " figure on how many claims had been collected but not yet captured in the department's report.

2. A flag proclaiming the Rangers as the AL champions was raised high above the ballpark, whipping in the wind alongside more than three dozen Lone Star state flags.

3. Pirates are receiving an average of $ 5 million to release ships and crew, and a ransom in that ballpark was believed to have been paid on Friday.

4. " I think we're on the same ballpark, " he said.

5. It gets some funding - nobody will give even a ballpark figure - from the US embassy in Kabul.

6. They could bring him in now to lead the club into a new ballpark next season.

7. The batter can run to all four bases if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark.

ballpark 英英释义



1. a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games)

    e.g. take me out to the ballpark

    Synonym: park

2. near to the scope or range of something

    e.g. his answer wasn't even in the right ballpark

    Synonym: approximate range

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