
bandage是什么意思 bandage在线翻译 bandage什么意思 bandage的意思 bandage的翻译 bandage的解释 bandage的发音 bandage的同义词 bandage的反义词

bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ]  [ˈbændɪdʒ] 


bandage 基本解释




bandage 相关例句


1. The surgeon bandaged up his injured head.

2. The nurse carefully bandaged his wound.


1. He wrapped a bandage around his injured arm.

bandage 网络解释

1. 带:[产品功效] 医疗外科包扎的理想产品(各种医用绷带)(bandage) 医用自粘性弹性绷带、医用氨伦绷带、包扎伤口型弹性绷带、医用全棉绷带、运动防护型绷带、美容绷带、瘦身纤体绷带、网状绷带、强力绷带等

2. 绑带:座凳后备的板称夹板(plywood),绑带(bandage)接连木器和软包. 家具分K/D(拆装)和Setup(组死)两种类型,一般出口为前者,考虑到空间储存因素和客户需求偏爱因素. 公司构架分三大块,工厂,公司,纽约销售组,曼谷BBK(Bangkok)信息反馈和文档处理组,

3. 绷带 <<绷得紧>>绷带绷得紧:lavatory-厕所<< 来得脱衣>>厕所来得脱衣 | bandage-绷带 <<绷得紧>>绷带绷得紧 | legacy-遗产 <<拿给谁>>遗产拿给谁

bandage 词典解释

1. 绷带
    A bandage is a long strip of cloth which is wrapped around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.

    e.g. We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee...
    e.g. His chest was swathed in bandages.

2. 用绷带包扎
    If you bandage a wound or part of someone's body, you tie a bandage around it.


    e.g. Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it.
    e.g. ...a bandaged hand.

bandage 单语例句

1. The epic match took such a toll on Peng that her leg cramped up afterwards and she came into Tuesday's match sporting a bandage.

2. The White House acknowledged the procedure on Monday night after Mrs Bush was noticed with a bandage below her right knee.

3. Bush was wearing a bandage on her leg at a Hanukkah ceremony.

4. He is wearing a bandage on his wounded left arm but is too busy to take days off because of his demanding schedule.

5. A bombing victim holds a gauze bandage to his eye as nurses tend to his wounds Tuesday at Jakarta Hospital.

6. Akagi even refused to tell reporters why he had a bandage on his face when responding to questions at a press conference.

7. The youngster has started wearing a bandage on his hand, not because he is injured but because he likes the attention.

8. Yao returned to the Rockets'bench with about a minute left in the first quarter, wearing a bandage over his eye.

9. Wade played the final 10 minutes with a bandage covering the cut, and it didn't faze him at all.

10. He removed his shirt to use as a bandage and allowed Duan to call the police.

bandage 英英释义


1. a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body

    Synonym: patch



1. dress by covering or binding

    e.g. The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle
           bandage an incision

2. wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose

    Synonym: bind

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