
barrack是什么意思 barrack在线翻译 barrack什么意思 barrack的意思 barrack的翻译 barrack的解释 barrack的发音 barrack的同义词 barrack的反义词

barrack [ˈbærək]  [ˈbærək] 


barrack 基本解释

名词营房,兵营; (临时性的)棚屋; 外观简陋划一的房屋

及物动词向…提供营房(或棚屋); 使(如军人)住在营房内; 对…大嚷

不及物动词住入营房(或棚屋); 喝倒彩


barrack 相关例句


1. A barracks was built at the foot of the mountain.

barrack 网络解释

1. 兴建军营:( Stables ) 出现在地图视窗中央 Ctrl+P 让寺庙 ( Temple ) 出现在地图视窗中央 Ctrl+Y 让学院 ( Academy ) 出现在地图视窗中央 F1 显示游戏辅助画面BA 兴建箭术靶场 ( Archery Range )BB 兴建军营 ( Barrack )BC 兴建政府中心

2. barrack在线翻译

2. 兵营:机枪兵(Marine) 生产于: 兵营(Barrack) 武器: 8mm C-14 穿刺型高斯步枪 角色: 多用途步兵 点击进入<<星际争霸2>>专题>>> 机枪兵(Marine)是 Koprulu 星区大部分人族星球的第一道防...

3. 营房:barging area 驳运地点 | barrack 营房 | barrel 管筒;芯管

barrack 词典解释

1. 兵营;营房
    A barracks is a building or group of buildings where soldiers or other members of the armed forces live and work. 'Barracks' is the singular and plural form.

    e.g. ...an army barracks in the north of the city.
    e.g. ...the parade grounds of Wellington Barracks.

2. 向…起哄;给…喝倒彩
    If people in an audience barrack public speakers or performers, they interrupt them, for example by making rude remarks.


    e.g. Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team...
    e.g. President Alan Garcia was barracked by the right wing opposition.

He was affected badly by the barracking that he got from the crowd.

barrack 单语例句

1. One " terrorist " explosion targeted the military security compound in New Aleppo neighborhood and the other targeted a law - enforcement forces'barrack in Hanano area.

2. The double blasts were coupled with an attack waged by armed insurgent groups at the Hanano barrack in the northern province of Aleppo.

3. Gates said US President Barrack Obama is looking forward to President Hu's visit to the US.

4. Former comrades from Lei's barrack stopped the film from being made, insisting that the woman and Lei were only friends.

5. One military barrack 30 km west to Tripoli was bombed, a local source told Xinhua reporters Monday.

6. Barrack previously set up the joint venture with Michael Jackson after the singer nearly lost the ranch to foreclosure.

7. JAKARTA - Prior to the visit of US President Barrack Obama to Indonesia, a number of student groups staged demonstrations to protest the visit.

8. Sixty nine military officers from 60 countries visited a Chinese Air Force barrack in Beijing Yanqing County Wednesday.

9. These arrangements were confirmed in the Joint Statement issued during US President Barrack Obama's visit to China last November.

10. They also demanded President Barrack Obama apologize for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

barrack 英英释义


1. a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel



1. laugh at with contempt and derision

    e.g. The crowd jeered at the speaker

    Synonym: jeerscofffloutgibe

2. spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

    e.g. The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers

    Synonym: cheerroot oninspireurgeurge onexhortpep up

3. lodge in barracks

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