
bash是什么意思 bash在线翻译 bash什么意思 bash的意思 bash的翻译 bash的解释 bash的发音 bash的同义词 bash的反义词 bash的例句 bash的相关词组

bash [bæʃ]  [bæʃ] 


bash 基本解释

及物动词怒殴; 痛击,猛击; 严厉批评


名词重击,猛撞; 痛快的玩乐[消遣]; <英方>尝试

bash 相关例句


1. He bashed his finger with a hammer.

2. He bashed the door in and entered the room.


1. bash在线翻译

1. The car bashed into a tree.


1. bash

1. I am doubtful whether I could ever learn English, but I'm determined to have a bash at it.

2. He gave me a bash on the eyes.

bash 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 怒殴:游侠在低等级的时候有两个特殊格斗技术,称为牺牲(sacrifice)和怒殴(Bash). 牺牲是一种强力的攻击模式,这种模式将消耗一定的健康值,但是将使你的攻击力提高一倍. 即使在第二级,一次牺牲性攻击也可以打倒一个巨兽.

2. 重击:致命一击(Death Blow) 下次攻击造成8倍的伤害2.神力重击(Bash) 下次攻击造成4倍伤害并使目标眩晕3.凶猛残暴(Ferocity) 每次使用技能杀死敌方单位时恢复30%的生命4.屠戮血欲(Blood Lust) 每次杀死一名敌方单位增加20点攻击,

3. 猛击:战士精通游戏中所有的战斗技能,包括双手作战(dual wield)、单手作战(single wield)、猛击(bash)、冲击(slam)、踢腿(kick)和嘲讽(taunt)等,通过不断提升这些战斗技能,战士在很低的等级时就拥有强大的破坏力,

4. 外壳:RFC (Remote Filesystem Checker)是一套外壳(bash)脚本,它应该可以帮助系统管理员运行一个文件系统检查器(如aide, tripwire,等等),可以从master模式到其它从属节点都可以运行,只要使用ssh, scp, sudo

bash 词典解释

1. 盛会;聚会;庆祝仪式
    A bash is a party or celebration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people.


    e.g. He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.

2. 痛打;猛揍
    If someone bashes you, they attack you by hitting or punching you hard.

    e.g. If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well...
    e.g. I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water...

3. 猛敲;猛撞;用力砸
    If you bash something, you hit it hard in a rough or careless way.

    e.g. Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster...
    e.g. A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals.

4. 重击;猛撞
    If you get a bash on a part of your body, someone or something hits you hard, or you bump into something.


5. (通常指公开地)痛斥,抨击
    To bash someone means to criticize them severely, usually in a public way.

    e.g. The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.

6. 努力;尝试
    If you have a bash at something, you try to do it.

    e.g. He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.

7. see also: -bashing

相关词组:bash inbash outbash up

bash 单语例句

1. The actress was barred from entering the bash by five security guards - reportedly hired by Samantha's family to keep her away.

2. BASH bird aircraft strike hazard is considered one of the most daunting challenges facing airports the world over.

3. Actress Jessica Alba and Jessica's little sister Ashlee attended the bash, which was organised by celebrity event planner Mindy Weiss.

4. Lindsay Lohan was described as " out of control " when she got into an altercation with a photographer at the bash.

5. It is not clear whether the girls will also be invited to Guy's Christmas bash.

6. It's just so much more entertaining to bash the Chinese national football team together.

7. Russell Brand's stag party was the " most civilized " bash ever, according to strip club owner Peter Stringfellow.

8. Well since u want to bash China, but do u know ANYTHING about Chinese history?

9. He said he hopes to see record attendance again at the Halloween Bash.

10. Designer duo Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana organised her Italian birthday bash.

bash 英英释义


1. a vigorous blow

    e.g. the sudden knock floored him
           he took a bash right in his face
           he got a bang on the head

    Synonym: knockbangsmashbelt

2. an uproarious party

    Synonym: dobrawl


1. hit hard

    Synonym: sockbopwhopwhapbonk

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