
basketful是什么意思 basketful在线翻译 basketful什么意思 basketful的意思 basketful的翻译 basketful的解释 basketful的发音 basketful的同义词

basketful ['bæskɪtfʊl]  ['bæskɪtfʊl] 


basketful 基本解释



basketful 相关例句


1. I have a basketful of surprises for you.

basketful 网络解释

1. 满篮:basketforwashingrice 淘箩 | basketful 满篮 | basketgoalbasketry 篮

2. 一篮的量:depth 深度 | basketful 一篮的量 | crossing 十字路口

3. 一满篮, 一满筐:basketfish || 筐蛇尾,筐鱼(一种似海星的棘皮动物) | basketful || 一满篮, 一满筐 | basketmaking || 篮子编织

4. basketful的意思

4. 一满篮; 相当可观的数量 (名):basketball 篮球; 篮球运动 (名) | basketful 一满篮; 相当可观的数量 (名) | basketry 篮筐; 编制工艺; 篓编织品 (名)

basketful 双语例句

1. So he got out his wallet and bought the whole basketful, and let them go in a Free Life Pond.

2. Bamboo made by a farmer carrying a basketful of it.

3. Her parents having learned from the handmaid the cause of the bickering, sent her back quickly, so that her visit to them might not be known, and then bought a basketful of crabs, which they poured into a covered dry ditch near the front door.

4. basketful的意思

4. In fact, in 2009 for Berlusconi, who is Naoxin year, Fan Xinshi a basketful.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Grandma came home, my grandmother took out a lot of good things to entertain my Xike, and then nag opened, there seems to be a basketful of the words said to me.

6. I have a basketful of surprises for you.

7. I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home.

8. Of course his words were a basketful of shock.

9. My grandmother is illiterate, but she has a basketful myths and legends.

10. Well, you are the post-graduate students of the greatest university of our nation, so I think that each of you possesses at least a basketful.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. Since 2005721, our country has began to carry on the administrative floating rate system which based on market-supply-demand referencing basketful currency, and the exchange risk facing the direct external investments enterprise and foreign trade enterprise is more and more great.

12. The lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-ren mountain.

13. He gave me a basketful of beaches.

14. basketful的解释

14. He sent us a basketful of apples yesterday.

15. After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard.

16. Finally, Camilla shelled out28.49 pounds for a basketful of groceries from her husband's Duchy Originals brand.

17. The basketful eggs were crushed to pieces by the car.

18. When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. To-day in the dew-cooled calm of the dawn you are walking to God's temple, bathed and robed in white, with a basketful of flowers in your hand.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. He one day played a similar trick on a peasant woman who was carrying a basketful of live fowls to market.

basketful 单语例句


1. Stallone is not the only director to have returned from casting's bargain bin with a basketful of them.

2. She managed to gather half a basketful of lychee, but lost her footing on the way down and fell to her death.

3. If you want to read tea leaves about China, the just concluded Happy Girls talent show offered a basketful of foliage.

basketful 英英释义


1. the quantity contained in a basket

    Synonym: basket

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