
bass是什么意思 bass在线翻译 bass什么意思 bass的意思 bass的翻译 bass的解释 bass的发音 bass的同义词 bass的反义词 bass的例句 bass的相关词组

bass [beɪs]  [beɪs] 


bass 基本解释

名词低音歌唱家,低音乐器; [鱼]欧洲鲈鱼; [植]椴树,椴属树木,美洲椴木



bass 相关例句


1. He has a fine bass voice.


1. The opera star is a fine bass.

bass 网络解释

1. 男低音:orus),男低音(Bass):Dimiter Petkov录音时间:萧斯塔科维奇<<第十交响曲>>:1982年7月于伦敦(DDD录音技术)萧斯塔科维奇<<第十三交响曲>>:1979年7月于伦敦(ADD录音技术)专辑介绍:萧斯塔科维奇<<第十交响曲>>刚好夹在他的新古典主义式讽刺的<<第九交响曲>>与阴沉的<<第十

2. 低音号:上低音号的外形与吹嘴均较下中音号大,并有四个音键,它有更广阔的低音域,音色和下中音号相仿,但如严格而论,它就是一种低音号(Bass)与低音号形状几乎相同,不过比低音号要小型一些,音比低音号高八度,音色和法国号有点样,

3. 鲈鱼:因係私有地段,向无外人进入,湖中尽多鲜美肥大的鱸鱼(bass)及其他多种鱼类. 「為什麼不可以?圣经中的那提(Lot)不是就和他的两个女儿肏屄做爱?我相信他们都很喜爱性交,享受性交的快乐,常常肏屄,才会生出许多的子女,后来族群繁衍,

4. bass:business analyzing and supporting system; 经营分析系统

5. danci.911cha.com

5. bass:beijing association of sourcing service; 服务外包企业协会

bass 词典解释

Pronounced /beɪs/ for meanings 1 to 4, and /bæs/ for meaning 5. The plural of the noun in meaning 5 is bass. 义项1到4读作 /beɪs/,义项 5 读作 /bæs/,义项 5 的复数为 bass。

1. 男低音歌手
    A bass is a man with a very deep singing voice.

    e.g. ...the great Russian bass Chaliapin.

2. (鼓、吉他等乐器)低音的
    A bass drum, guitar, or other musical instrument is one that produces a very deep sound.

    e.g. ...bass guitarist Dee Murray.

3. 低音吉他;低音提琴
    In popular music, a bass is a bass guitar or a double bass .


    e.g. They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.
    e.g. ...Dave Ranson on bass and Kenneth Blevins on drums...

4. (立体声音响或收音机等的)低音部,低音部旋钮
    On a stereo system or radio, the bass is the ability to reproduce the lower musical notes. The bass is also the knob which controls this.

    e.g. ...larger models which will then give more bass and a higher fidelity sound.

5. 鲈鱼
    Bass are edible fish that are found in rivers and the sea. There are several types of bass.

    e.g. They unloaded their catch of cod and bass.

bass 单语例句

1. In addition, it was one of the biggest selling Drum and bass releases of all time.

2. Because of its size, most don't pick up the double bass until they are a little older.

3. The improvisations of the trio's drummer and the bass player are critically acclaimed.

4. Pianist Xia Jia will perform with bass player Zhang Ke and drummer Bei Bei.

5. Waters was a primary creative force in Pink Floyd from 1965 to 1983, playing bass and singing.

6. Helsinki Ghetto Bass Patrol comes to Cargo with a North American hip hop style.

7. Main Course Grilled beef tenderloin with pepper sauce or grilled sea bass with Mustard sauce.

8. One of the peaks of the meal was the first main course, the sea bass Monte Carlo.

9. As for the BASS team, they have sided with ordinary folks by predicting price drops.

10. Eddie's teenage son Wolfgang will sub for Michael Anthony on bass.

bass 英英释义



1. nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes

2. the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments

3. the lowest part of the musical range

4. the lowest adult male singing voice

    Synonym: bass voicebasso

5. the lowest part in polyphonic music

    Synonym: bass part

6. any of various North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus)

    Synonym: freshwater bass

7. the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae

    Synonym: sea bass

8. an adult male singer with the lowest voice

    Synonym: basso


1. having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range

    e.g. a deep voice
           a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice
           a bass clarinet

    Synonym: deep

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