
bastion是什么意思 bastion在线翻译 bastion什么意思 bastion的意思 bastion的翻译 bastion的解释 bastion的发音 bastion的同义词 bastion的反义词

bastion [ˈbæstiən]  [ˈbæstʃən,-tiən] 


bastion 基本解释

名词堡垒; 棱堡; 设防地区,阵地工事

bastion 网络解释

1. bastion的翻译

1. 阵地工事,堡垒:base基地 | bastion阵地工事,堡垒 | beachhead滩头阵地

2. 碉堡:chief factor 總經理 | bastion 碉堡 | linoleum floor 塑料地板

bastion 词典解释

1. 堡垒(指固守一种生活方式等的体制或组织)
    If a system or organization is described as a bastion of a particular way of life, it is seen as being important and effective in defending that way of life. Bastion can be used both when you think that this way of life should be ended and when you think it should be defended.


    e.g. ...a town which had been a bastion of white prejudice...
    e.g. ...a bastion of spiritual freedom...

bastion 单语例句

1. " Service provider has been a bastion of growth, " Wu said.

2. Bastion 2004 is the latest annual mass drill involving troop exercises with civilian involvement based on a guerrilla strategy designed to resist an invasion force.

3. Meider quickly found Beijing to be a bastion of relaxed creativity and a place where an artist can live comfortably and free of the pressure.

4. A new poll by research institute Eures reveals a divorce happens every four minutes in the Catholic nation once regarded as a bastion of marriage.

5. The assault marked the first major offensive by US forces to reclaim a Sunni rebel bastion ahead of national elections set for January.

6. In the insurgent bastion of Ramadi west of the capital, five Iraqis with hands tied behind their backs were found slain on a city street.

7. Kandahar is a former Taliban bastion and the birthplace of Karzai, who survived an assassination attempt by a suspected Taliban member there in 2002.

8. He said the NTC would move to Tripoli next week and only a section would stay in the eastern bastion of Benghazi.

9. Western think tanks have consistently rated Hong Kong as the world's freest economy, not least because it is a bastion of free trade.

10. Fallujah was a major insurgent bastion until US forces overran the city in November.


bastion 英英释义



1. projecting part of a rampart or other fortification

2. a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle

    Synonym: citadel

3. a group that defends a principle

    e.g. a bastion against corruption
           the last bastion of communism

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