
batsman是什么意思 batsman在线翻译 batsman什么意思 batsman的意思 batsman的翻译 batsman的解释 batsman的发音 batsman的同义词 batsman的反义词

batsman [ˈbætsmən]  [ˈbætsmən] 


batsman 基本解释


名词击球手; 返航着陆导航员

batsman 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 打者:如果打者(batsman)让球击中三柱门,或是让球打中身体再反弹到三柱门,或是擦棒球弹到三柱门都算出局. 如果球没击中三柱门,但让捕手(wicket keeper)接到后,持球推倒三柱门也算打者出局. 打五天真是天杀的久. 也不可能一天一直打都不休息吃饭.

2. 板球运动员:to convert a try 对方球门线后触地得分 | batsman 板球运动员 | batter 击球运动员

3. 击球员:batting tee击球座 | batsman击球员 | belly button dries腰腹部练习

batsman 双语例句

1. The batsman, Tom, walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The field of play. The batsman, Tom, walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch.

3. The batsman walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch.

4. He's a good batsman but a poor bowler.

5. batsman的意思

5. The first batsman had a short inning s.

6. Batsman: He's a useful bat.

7. batsman的近义词

7. In any case, if it seems that the ball would not have struck the stumps, the batsman is not out.

8. The moment bat and ball come in contact the batsman starts for first base.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. The opening batsman was out of from and got a pair of spectacles in the county match.

10. The batsman began slowly but once he got his eye in he started to play some very good shots.

11. batsman是什么意思

11. Sports Toward or designating the side of the field facing the batsman in cricket.

12. Six walks and a hit batsman in four innings will cure even the sickest lineup for one night.

13. batsman什么意思

13. Wang allowed four hits, two walks and a hit batsman in seven innings and struck out a season-high nine.

14. The batsman made a good hit. this pitcher throws more strikes than balls.

15. The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. (of a fielder or his position in cricket) relatively near the batsman

17. (of a fielder in cricket) standing close to the batsman

18. The batsman was given a life eg because a fielder missed an easy catch when his score was24.

19. Effect of Contextual Information on Prejudgment Performances of Badminton Players; The umpire gave the batsman out.

20. danci.911chaxun.com

20. He was the greatest batsman of his generation.

batsman 词典解释

1. (板球运动中的)击球手
    The batsman in a game of cricket is the player who is batting.

    e.g. The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground...
    e.g. He was the greatest batsman of his generation.

batsman 单语例句

1. England batsman Ian Bell injured his wrist during practice on Tuesday, throwing a scare into the camp two days before the first Ashes test in Brisbane.

2. " I don't target any one batsman, " Lee said.

3. Roberts was an unrated number 11 batsman and few would have predicted what was to unfold when he came to the crease.

4. Test batsmen don't get scared any more so you have got to really work a batsman out.

5. But according to reports yesterday, the former England batsman suffered from diabetes and had recently experienced breathing difficulties.

6. He blossomed into a batsman of the highest class in the English summer of 2002.

7. As a batsman you've got to show patience, show a bit of courage.

batsman 英英释义


1. (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting

    Synonym: batterhitterslugger

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