
bear on是什么意思 bear on在线翻译 bear on什么意思 bear on的意思 bear on的翻译 bear on的解释 bear on的发音 bear on的同义词 bear on的反义词

bear on [bɛə ɔn]  [bɛr ɑn] 

bear on 基本解释

靠在…上; 压在…上; 对…产生影响; 与…有关

bear on 情景对话


A:Have any plans for the weekend, Tom?

B:Yeah, I’m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains.

bear on

A:Oh, do you go hiking often?

B:I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature.

bear on

A:It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company?


B:Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before?

A:Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike.

bear on的翻译

B:Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city.

A:Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest.

B:Well, bring him along too. We’ll have a great time this weekend.

A:Thanks, I’ll ask him.

bear on 网络解释

1. 对...施加影响;有关:bear off 赢得;使离开;驶离 | bear on 对...施加影响;有关 | bear out 证实,证明

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 对...施加压力, 有关, 瞄准:cornerman 边锋 | bear on 对...施加压力, 有关, 瞄准 | superparasitism [生]复寄生(现象),重寄生( 现象)

3. 施加压力:bear off 赢得 | bear on 施加压力 | bear oneself 举止

4. 对...产生影响:bear off 驶离、使离开;赢得 | bear on 对...产生影响 | bear sail 张帆

bear on 单语例句

1. The company announced on Wednesday it had stopped cooperation with and canceled a deal to buy into Bear Stearns.

2. No individual member state can go it alone and maintain prosperity and security, and can certainly not bring the necessary weight to bear on actively shaping globalization.

3. Regulators began their probes in March as Bear Stearns's stock plunged on speculation it lacked adequate cash to operate.

4. The amount was too much for He to bear at that time and he could have dismissed the client on contractual grounds.

5. Martin community found a stranger snoozing on their couch and cuddling a teddy bear late Saturday.

6. Risky bets on securities tied to subprime mortgages - loans given to customers with poor credit history - crippled Bear Stearns.

7. Such an economic model based on heavy energy and resources consumption is beyond China's and also the world's capacity to bear.

8. An unnamed lawyer says that the surrogate mother service has already infringed on women's rights to bear children from a legal point of view.

9. Wang estimated that sales of air conditioners would hit 25 million units this year, bringing tremendous pressure to bear on the nation's already tight electricity supply.

10. But these borrowings have little impact on China's foreign debt security because the head offices of the foreign banks bear the risks.

bear on什么意思

bear on 英英释义


1. have an effect upon

    e.g. Will the new rules affect me?

    Synonym: affectimpactbear upontouch ontouch

2. press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action

    e.g. He pushed her to finish her doctorate

    Synonym: push

3. be relevant to

    e.g. There were lots of questions referring to her talk
           My remark pertained to your earlier comments

    Synonym: referpertainrelateconcerncome totouchtouch onhave-to doe with

4. keep or maintain in unaltered condition
    cause to remain or last

    e.g. preserve the peace in the family
           continue the family tradition
           Carry on the old traditions

    Synonym: continueupholdcarry onpreserve

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