
bearer是什么意思 bearer在线翻译 bearer什么意思 bearer的意思 bearer的翻译 bearer的解释 bearer的发音 bearer的同义词 bearer的反义词 bearer的例句

bearer [ˈbeərə(r)]  [ˈberə(r)] 


bearer 基本解释

名词持票人; 送信人; 搬运工人

bearer 相关例句


1. The tree is a good bearer.

2. He rewarded the bearer before reading the note.

bearer 网络解释

1. bearer的翻译

1. 载体:MNC 有时被称为承载体(bearer)或承载网络. 一个无线客户机(Wireless Client)登录、WAP 用户登录或 PPP 登录. 无连接(Connection-less)会话和非 WTLS WAP 会话的到期由不活动计时器确定.

2. bearer的近义词

2. 无记名:(1) 记名 (Registered) 与无记名 (Bearer)(1)参加 (Participating) 与否:是否具有分配保留盈余或额外股利的权力. (2)累积 (Cumulative) 与否:当公司因营运不佳造成亏损而无法发放股利,未发放的股利具有累积性.

bearer 词典解释

1. 送(口信等)的人;带信人
    The bearer of something such as a message is the person who brings it to you.


    e.g. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

2. 举(或抬、持)…的人
    A bearer of a particular thing is a person who carries it, especially in a ceremony.

    e.g. ...Britain's flag bearer at the Olympic Games opening ceremony...
    e.g. The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.

3. 拥有(某文件、权利或职位)的人;持有…的人;持有者
    The bearer of something such as a document, a right, or an official position is the person who possesses it or holds it.

    e.g. ...the traditional bourgeois notion of the citizen as a bearer of rights...
    e.g. Later he called a meeting of his party's central office bearers...

4. (传统、想法或特征等的)保持者,拥有者
    The bearer of a tradition, idea, or characteristic is someone or something that is particularly associated with it and passes it on to other people or situations.

    e.g. Generally, the lower classes are considered to be the bearers of tradition.

5. (在旧时的印度指欧洲人的)当地用人,土著仆人
    In former times, especially in India, a bearer was a native servant of a European.

6. see also: pallbearer;standard bearer

bearer 单语例句

1. Or of the final torch bearer tripping as they ascend to light the flame?

2. " I want to be a torch bearer of the Guangzhou Asian Games, " Li added.

3. Swatch said it proposed a dividend increase of 25 percent to five Swiss francs per bearer share and one franc per registered share.

4. Chinese snooker flag bearer Ding Junhui reached his career zenith this year with strong performances in three marquee competitions.

5. China's star figure skater Zhao Hongbo led the hosts as the flag bearer when the delegation marched into the gymnasium.

6. During the trial run, an officer posed as the torch bearer and police stopped traffic wherever he went.

7. It's been an unwritten rule that China's summer Olympic flag bearer is picked from the men's basketball team since 1984 in Los Angeles.

8. He went on to explain the criteria that he expects from a female flag bearer candidate in the future.

9. It allows the bearer to travel from and return to the country of origin and is required to enter a foreign state.

10. The flag bearer and raiser in school were chosen by teachers, to whom Yao was not a favorite.

bearer 英英释义


1. someone whose employment involves carrying something

    e.g. the bonds were transmitted by carrier

    Synonym: carriertoter

2. the person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it

    e.g. the bond was marked `payable to bearer'

    Synonym: holder

3. a messenger who bears or presents

    e.g. a bearer of good tidings

4. one of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral

    Synonym: pallbearer

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