
beat out是什么意思 beat out在线翻译 beat out什么意思 beat out的意思 beat out的翻译 beat out的解释 beat out的发音 beat out的同义词

beat out [bi:t aut]  [bit aʊt] 

beat out 基本解释

筋疲力尽; 砸平; 扑灭(火); 以敲击(鼓等)奏出(曲调等)

beat out 相关例句


1. The drummers beat out their tropical music.

2. The dry grass caught fire, but we beat it out.

beat out 网络解释

1. 敲平:basin-shaped adj. 盆状的 | beat out 敲平 | belated adj. 误期的,迟来的

2. 疲倦不堪的:beat 敲打 | beat-out 疲倦不堪的 | beat-up 破旧的

3. beat out的反义词

3. 搞清:beat one 莫名其妙 | beat out 搞清 | beat the air 徒劳

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 迎风驶入:beat off 乘风破浪;击退 | beat out 迎风驶入 | beat reception 差拍接法

beat out 词典解释

1. (用鼓等乐器)敲奏出
    If you beat out sounds on a drum or similar instrument, you make the sounds by hitting the instrument.


    e.g. Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.

2. (用毯子等)扑灭(火)
    If you beat out a fire, you cause it to go out by hitting it, usually with an object such as a blanket.

    e.g. His brother beat out the flames with a blanket...
    e.g. She managed to beat the fire out.

3. 打败;击败;战胜
    If you beat out someone in a competition, you defeat them.

    e.g. Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center...
    e.g. If we are certain a rival will beat us out, we are wide open to jealousy.

beat out 单语例句

1. Mancini was delighted with the character shown by his squad in grinding out the victory, however he insisted its neighbor remains the side to beat.

2. A study carried out at New York University has found that songs with a more regular beat coincide with volatility in the American financial markets.

3. Michael Schumacher believes Ferrari still has its work cut out if it is to beat Renault to this year's constructors'title.

4. Teacher Shen throws out questions in Chinese and the students respond on cue, not missing a beat though in slightly accented Afghani Chinese.

5. When the taxis stopped at a red light, they got out and pulled Gu from his taxi and started to beat him.

6. Octopus Paul has gone five out of five in predicting Germany to beat its opponent in all five matches at World Cup 2010.

7. Su then got out of the car and began to beat Dai.

8. Some of the women protesters danced to the beat of drums while carrying brooms to " sweep " Arroyo out of office.

9. Your need to be the first out of the gate is strong today, so make sure that you can beat the others.

10. Press reports said the man was killed after an argument broke out and the family joined forces to beat him to death.

beat out 英英释义


1. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

    e.g. Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
           We beat the competition
           Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

    Synonym: beatcrushshelltrouncevanquish

2. beat out a rhythm

    Synonym: tap outthump out

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