
beauty是什么意思 beauty在线翻译 beauty什么意思 beauty的意思 beauty的翻译 beauty的解释 beauty的发音 beauty的同义词 beauty的反义词 beauty的例句

beauty [ˈbju:ti]  [ˈbjuti] 


beauty 基本解释

名词美人; 美好; 完美; 突出的范例

beauty 相关例句


1. The beauty of this plan is its simplicity.

2. beauty的解释

2. That black eye you got in the fight is a beauty!

3. That black eye you got in the fight is a real beauty!

4. She is quite a beauty.

5. beauty的翻译

5. The beauty of it is that everyone can play.

beauty 网络解释

1. 美人:如果您是该书的作者,不希望<<大美人>>(beauty)中文原版[口水堂/长期供源] 更新至09年4月[JPG]显示在netebook.com或者对本书的宣传或介绍有意见和建议,请发邮件到[email protected],我们核实后会作相应处理.

2. 红颜:因为她唯一的妹妹就是这次和我签定契约的人选,一个将要成为世人恐惧对象的可怜女孩,可是,无论她再怎么不情愿,也无法抵抗住族中长老的决定,低等的三大种族即使是提升到职业的顶峰,也不可能和高级的猎食者抗衡,没有红颜(Beauty)的存在,种族的延续

beauty 词典解释

1. 美丽;漂亮
    Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful.

    e.g. ...an area of outstanding natural beauty...
    e.g. Everyone admired her elegance and her beauty.

2. 美女;美人
    A beauty is a beautiful woman.

    e.g. She is known as a great beauty.

3. 极好的事物
    You can say that something is a beauty when you think it is very good.


    e.g. The pass was a real beauty, but the shot was poor.

4. 魅力;美好;吸引人之处
    The beauties of something are its attractive qualities or features.

    e.g. He was beginning to enjoy the beauties of nature.

5. 美容的
    Beauty is used to describe people, products, and activities that are concerned with making women look beautiful.

    e.g. Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance.

6. 好处;妙处;优点
    If you say that a particular feature is the beauty of something, you mean that this feature is what makes the thing so good.

    e.g. There would be no effect on animals—that's the beauty of such water-based materials.

beauty 单语例句

1. If you want to feel closer to its beauty and lingering charm, the best way is to visit it by yourself.

2. Beauty sells, it is what psychologists sometimes call the beauty premium.

3. Taking the characteristics of the hairdressing and beauty industry into account, private investment may play an active role during the expansion of the sector.

4. You'll be surprised to find this beauty and calmness so close to the big and modern city.

5. Tourists can enjoy the beauty and mystery of the desert from the vantage point of a camel's back.

6. The commanding woman captain made a perfect pinpoint landing that made watching pilots'mouths water it was such a thing of beauty.

7. Captivating audiences with his beauty and grace, he became a national star overnight.

8. The Beijing Association of Beauty Salons and Barbershops applied for funds from the government to launch this activity at the end of 2010.

9. The former'Desperate Housewives'actress is a huge fan of the late blonde beauty as she just oozed beauty and sex appeal.

10. The'Harry Potter'actress loves applying cosmetics to her friends and family and is always happy to pass her beauty tips on to them.


beauty 英英释义


1. the qualities that give pleasure to the senses

2. an outstanding example of its kind

    e.g. his roses were beauties
           when I make a mistake it's a beaut

    Synonym: beaut

3. a very attractive or seductive looking woman

    Synonym: smasherstunnerknockoutravishersweetheartpeachlululookermantrapdish

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