
beaver是什么意思 beaver在线翻译 beaver什么意思 beaver的意思 beaver的翻译 beaver的解释 beaver的发音 beaver的同义词 beaver的反义词 beaver的例句

beaver [ˈbi:və(r)]  [ˈbivɚ] 


beaver 基本解释

名词河狸; 河狸毛皮; [印]海狸绒布; 工作勤恳的人

beaver 相关词组


1. eager beaver : 做事勤奋的人;

beaver 相关例句


1. We watch him beavering away at his painting.

2. These young people beaver away at school.


1. The hat is made of beaver.

beaver 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 河狸:5.变更者基石物种(modiferkeystonespecies),如河狸(beaver)因构筑巢穴,阻断了河川流水量而影响了当地水族生物的生存繁衍,这一种基石物种与上述几种不同,因為并不牵涉谁吃谁的营养层次相关性,而是藉由改变环境的结构来影响其他物种.

2. beaver的近义词

2. 狸:数年前,水狸(Beaver)建筑水坝阻挡泉水而形成. 池水虽然淹没树林与灌木,但也创造一个适合水生动植物生长的环境. 数年之后,水草与池边植物的腐植土将陆续填满池塘. 最后,周围的森林将取而代之,成为新生的阔叶林,阔叶林也将陆续为针叶林所取代.

3. 海狸:此外他最近还完成了朱迪.福斯特(Jodie Foster)执导的影片<<海狸>>(Beaver)的拍摄. 签约<<冷战分子>>标志着吉布森重新回到了由主要制片商支持的项目. 此外,吉布森还将于今年三月开始拍摄独立动作电影<<我如何度过暑假>>(How I Spent My Summer Vacation),

4. 水獭:驯鹿(CARIBOU)和驼鹿(MOOSE)吃莲叶;水獭(BEAVER)吃莲藕;麝鼠(MUSKRAT)吃所有剩下的东西;至于奥季布瓦人(OJIBWA,印地安人的一支)则吃花苞,将花苞和切碎的洋葱一起放入黄油中煎五分钟即可.

beaver 词典解释

1. 河狸
    A beaver is a furry animal with a big flat tail and large teeth. Beavers use their teeth to cut wood and build dams in rivers.


2. 河狸毛皮
    Beaver is the fur of a beaver.

    e.g. ...a coat with a huge beaver collar.

相关词组:beaver away

beaver 单语例句

1. Beaver Brook is the only operating antimony mine in North America, and is one of the world's largest antimony deposits outside China.

2. The victim identified Beaver in a lineup, but his lawyers say the lineup was flawed.

3. The incident occurred a year ago on a run in Beaver Creek but the two sides'accounts of what happened differ greatly.

4. In other words, the cost would be 2 pounds for the beaver and 1 pound for the deer.

5. The Detroit Free Press reports that a beaver lodge has been discovered in an intake canal at a Detroit Edison riverfront plant.

6. According to this restaurant, some eager beaver consumers made their bookings as early as this October.

7. After " The Beaver " screening was finished, she seemed relieved at the warm reception it received from the audience.

8. These are only two examples to illustrate the growing interest investors are showing in the Beaver State.

9. This 2008 handout photo courtesy of the Wood Buffalo National Park in Northern Alberta shows the world's biggest beaver dam.

10. Residing in a virtual beaver village, each beaver has a unique personality and ability.

beaver 英英释义



1. large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail
    construct complex dams and underwater lodges

2. a hat made with the fur of a beaver (or similar material)

    Synonym: castor

3. a movable piece of armor on a medieval helmet used to protect the lower face

4. a man's hat with a tall crown
    usually covered with silk or with beaver fur

    Synonym: dress hathigh hatopera hatsilk hatstovepipetop hattopper

5. a full beard

6. the soft brown fur of the beaver

    Synonym: beaver fur



1. work hard on something

    Synonym: beaver away

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