
bedrock是什么意思 bedrock在线翻译 bedrock什么意思 bedrock的意思 bedrock的翻译 bedrock的解释 bedrock的发音 bedrock的同义词 bedrock的反义词

bedrock [ˈbedrɒk]  [ˈbedrɑ:k] 

bedrock 基本解释

名词基岩; 牢固基础; 基本事实,基本原则; 最低点

bedrock 网络解释

1. 基岩:组成地壳的固结而坚硬的岩石称为基岩(bedrock). 它通常形成于地面以下几千米至几十千米的深处,长期处于较高的温度和压力以及相对稳定的化学环境中. 由于地壳运动或不断地剥蚀等原因造成这些基岩进入地表环境,

2. 岩床:麦金塔的产品经理盖依.川崎就曾坦承麦金塔的发展策略是:岩床(Bedrock)轮胎公司的寓言,清楚地描绘出一个典型的策划过程. 听来荒诞不经吗?这可是活生生的例子:数年前,一家总部位于美国布隆明顿(Bloomington)的公司发明了很棒的多媒体软件,

3. 床岩:河成壺穴係由河流搬運物之鑽蝕(drilling)而產生於急湍處床岩(bedrock)上之凹穴,其穴口形由圓至橢圓,長徑與流水方向一致,穴壁則受流水迴旋影響而逆流向傾斜(圖7-9),此與海成壺穴的垂直穴壁不同.

4. 基岩;基层岩:bedplate 座板 | bedrock 基岩;基层岩 | bedroom 睡房;卧室

bedrock 词典解释

1. 根本原则;基础;基石
    The bedrock of something is the principles, ideas, or facts on which it is based.

    e.g. Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship...
    e.g. Working-class voters form the bedrock of Labour's support.

2. 基岩
    Bedrock is the solid rock in the ground which supports all the soil above it.

    e.g. It took five years to drill down to bedrock.

bedrock 单语例句

1. Yu represents the establishment not because he is an official appointee, but because he distills from cultural sources that form the bedrock of China.

2. A politically neutral civil service has always been regarded as the bedrock of Hong Kong society.

3. But such dissenting voices are few and far between and soon drowned out by the mainstream voices promoting filial piety as the bedrock of society.

4. Trade and investment form the bedrock of the current global economy in which countries reap profits on the strength of their comparative advantages.

5. Rapid economic growth and social progress are all very well, but individual aspirations and woes form the bedrock of any society.

6. But the bedrock of the plain had subdued the waves before they reached us, and our buildings had held.

7. It was constructed on the bedrock of a small island with a simple court and stone pagoda in its center.

8. Development is the common pursuit of people from all countries and bedrock for a collective security mechanism and the progress of human civilization.

9. The bedrock of the dam site is sound and intact granite with 100 MPa of compressive strength.

10. The Australia pavilion has picked " Bedrock " as the first exhibit visitors will see to showcase some of its national art.


bedrock 英英释义



1. principles from which other truths can be derived

    e.g. first you must learn the fundamentals
           let's get down to basics

    Synonym: fundamentalsbasicsfundamental principlebasic principle

2. solid unweathered rock lying beneath surface deposits of soil

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