
besides是什么意思 besides在线翻译 besides什么意思 besides的意思 besides的翻译 besides的解释 besides的发音 besides的同义词 besides的反义词

besides [bɪˈsaɪdz]  [bɪˈsaɪdz] 

besides 基本解释

副词此外; 而且; 以及; 更

介词(表示排斥)除…之外(还有); 在…之外(还有),…之余兼

besides 相关例句


1. I don't want to come out now, and besides, I must work.

2. Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.


1. Besides English, he has to study German.

2. What has he done, besides reading the paper?

3. Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables.

besides 网络解释

1. 再次:96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place | 97. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore | 98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 在...旁边;除了:neither...nor... 既不...也不... | besides 在...旁边;除了 | in addition 另外

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 除...之外:Beside yours, my computer is too slow. 与你的计算机速度相比,我的就慢多了. | besides 除...之外, | We are all here besides Bowe. 除鲍外,我们也都来了.

besides 词典解释

1. 此外;另外;除了
    Besides something or beside something means in addition to it.

    e.g. I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful...
    e.g. There was only one person besides Ford who knew Julia Jameson.

2. 而且,再说(强调所补充的内容)
    Besides is used to emphasize an additional point that you are making, especially one that you consider to be important.


    e.g. The house was too expensive and too big. Besides, I'd grown fond of our little rented house.

Do not confuse besides, except, except for, and unless. You use besides to introduce extra things in addition to the ones you are mentioning already. Fruit will give you, besides enjoyment, a source of vitamins. However, note that if you talk about 'the only thing' or 'the only person' besides a particular person or thing, besides means the same as 'apart from'. He was the only person besides Gertrude who talked to Guy. You use except to introduce the only things, situations, people, or ideas that a statement does not apply to. All of his body relaxed except his right hand... Travelling was impossible, except in the cool of the morning. You use except for before something that prevents a statement from being completely true. The classrooms were silent, except for the scratching of pens on paper... I had absolutely no friends except for Tom.Unless is used to introduce the only situation in which something will take place or be true. In the 1940s, unless she wore gloves a woman was not properly dressed... You must not give compliments unless you mean them.
不要混淆 besides, except, except for 和 unless。besides 用于引出已提及事物之外的其他事物:Fruit will give you, besides enjoyment, a source of vitamins(水果不但好吃,而且富含维生素)。但应注意,用于谈论除某人或某物之外唯一的人或物时, besides 的意思与 apart from 相同:He was the only person besides Gertrude who talked to Guy(除了格特鲁德以外,他是唯一和盖伊说话的人)。except 用来引出陈述中唯一不适用的事物、情形、人或想法:All of his body relaxed except his right hand(除了右手以外,他全身上下都放松了),Travelling was impossible, except in the cool of the morning(除了在凉爽的早晨,其他时候出门是不可能的)。except for 用于引出使某说法不能完全成立的事物:The classrooms were silent, except for the scratching of pens on paper(除了钢笔在纸上发出的沙沙声,教室里一片寂静),I had absolutely no friends except for Tom(除了汤姆,我一个朋友也没有)。unless 用于引出某事发生或成立所必需的条件:In the 1940s, unless she wore gloves a woman was not properly dressed(在20世纪40年代,女人若不戴手套就是着装不得体),You must not give compliments unless you mean them(除非出自真心实意,否则不要随便恭维)。

besides 单语例句

1. Besides, you'll have a chance of touring the ancient Tunxi Street and buy some souvenir there.

2. Although the Canadian government spent about $ 1 billion on preparing for the summit, the summit itself achieved very little besides a few unimportant issues.

3. A thermometer was placed right besides the canoe to monitor any temperature changes in the hall.

4. Besides 11 nuclear power units that are already in operation, there are 21 many units under construction with a combined installed capacity of 23 gigawatts.

5. Besides economic growth and capital investment, there is also a strong demand for property due to rapid urbanization in China.

6. Besides the Internet boom, car sales in China also boosted the Website's revenue.

7. Besides best dramatic actor as a neglectful dad tending his daughters in The Descendants, he's up for directing and screenplay for The Ides of March.

8. Cebu is one of the three popular destinations besides Manila and Bohol among Chinese visitors.

9. Besides, failure to implement the reform would deprive local governments of central government subsidy.

10. Besides all the domestic factors that contributed to the current credit boom, the central bank also correctly identified the external driving force.

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