
biased是什么意思 biased在线翻译 biased什么意思 biased的意思 biased的翻译 biased的解释 biased的发音 biased的同义词 biased的反义词 biased的例句

biased [ˈbaɪəst]  [ˈbaɪəst] 


biased 基本解释


形容词有偏见的; 有偏的; 结果偏倚的


biased 网络解释

1. 偏颇:如此一来,比传另外, Landstrom 提出一种无偏颇( unbiased )的最大相 似性讯,然而其复杂度在相同的系统效能之下,却比有偏颇(biased)的最大相似性中,由於增加资料(data aided)的演算法需要大量的试验来解决频率偏移问题,

2. biased在线翻译

2. 有偏的:Bushman和Indjejikian(1993)指出,有些会计信息从估价的角度来看是有偏的(biased)和有噪音的(noise),但是它们在与经理层签订的薪酬契约中却具有潜在的契约价值.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 有成见的:自由主义者相信, 当前的刑法体制(criminal justice system)由始至终对于穷人来说都是有成见的(biased). 一个总统委员会(A presidential commission)发现91%的人已经承认只要犯罪就应该判罚他们去做牢. 然而,

4. 有偏见的:mixed 喜忧参半 | biased 有偏见的 | indignant adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的

biased 词典解释

1. 有偏见的;有成见的;偏袒一方的
    If someone is biased, they prefer one group of people to another, and behave unfairly as a result. You can also say that a process or system is biased .

    e.g. He seemed a bit biased against women in my opinion...
    e.g. The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area...

2. 偏向…的;偏重…的
    If something is biased towards one thing, it is more concerned with it than with other things.

    e.g. In Japan firms are biased towards growth rather than profits...
    e.g. University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.

biased 单语例句

1. As biased as Jack Cafferty, those people try to " curse " China's reality by calling the earthquake " karma ".

2. Chinese soccer commentator Huang Jianxiang apologized on Tuesday to TV viewers for his biased comments in World Cup game between Italy and Australia.

3. By spreading mostly biased or untrue stories about their rivals in the negative ads, both candidates seem to firmly believe that a lie repeated often becomes the truth.

4. " The general prosecution is obviously biased and wants to use everything to convict us, " Ibrahim said.

5. Protesters say the court decisions were political and biased against the former leader's allies.

6. The inquiry was launched by the defense department after an initial investigation was deemed to be biased.

7. It is often assumed that the economic structure of Hong Kong is " excessively biased toward finance and real estate ".

8. I agree but I do understand that each media will cover the same war thru the biased prism of their own experiences.

9. The Memphis judge's 2004 decision drew widespread criticism as culturally and ethnically biased.

10. It fully proves that the Nobel Committee is biased and its claim for " universal values " is false.

biased 英英释义


1. favoring one person or side over another

    e.g. a biased account of the trial
           a decision that was partial to the defendant

    Synonym: coloredcolouredone-sidedslanted

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