
binding是什么意思 binding在线翻译 binding什么意思 binding的意思 binding的翻译 binding的解释 binding的发音 binding的同义词 binding的反义词

binding [ˈbaɪndɪŋ]  [ˈbaɪndɪŋ] 


binding 基本解释

名词捆绑; (衣服等的)镶边; 粘合剂; 书籍的封面

形容词捆绑的; 粘合的; (书面材料)有约束力的; 应履行的

动词装订; 捆绑; 约束( bind的现在分词); (用长布条)缠绕

binding 相关例句


1. binding在线翻译

1. This regulation is binding on everybody.

2. The agreement is binding on you.

binding 网络解释

1. 滚边:首先要解释一下拼布边框(border)和滚边(binding)的区别,边框是拼接在拼布面四周,形成一个框架,除了装饰之外还可以扩大拼布的面积;而滚边是将拼布面、夹层、底层3层一起进行最后的封装.

2. 装订:专营:名片设计 名片印刷 图章刻印 快速.高质量影印 附有切割(Cutting)、折叠(Folding) 装订(Binding)及打洞(Hole Punching)服务... (共 178 字节)

binding 词典解释

1. 有约束力的;必须遵守的;应履行的
    A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.

    e.g. ...proposals for a legally binding commitment on nations to stabilise emissions of carbon dioxide...
    e.g. The panel's decisions are secret and not binding on the government.

2. (书籍的)封面
    The binding of a book is its cover.

    e.g. Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings.

3. 镶边;边饰;绲边
    Binding is a strip of material that you put round the edge of a piece of cloth or other object in order to protect or decorate it.

    e.g. ...the Regency mahogany dining table with satinwood binding.

4. 捆绑物;包扎物
    Binding is a piece of rope, cloth, tape, or other material that you wrap around something so that it can be gripped firmly or held in place.

5. see also: bind

binding 单语例句

1. Silver nanoparticles have good binding properties because they have a large active surface, he said.

2. Liu admitted that the existing government policy document concerning the protection of HBV carrier's employment rights is not legally binding.

3. The leaders signed their first legally binding convention on the fight against terrorism at Cebu as part of their efforts to get tougher on terrorism.

4. Chandler further says that making this binding commitment poses political risks if China's economic growth slows.

5. Far from being the major channel for corporate financing, the stock market does not have adequate binding power over the publicly traded enterprises.

6. There is also the Radio Programme Code of Practice binding on the licencee as a condition of the licence.

7. But General Assembly resolutions merely express the will of the international community while Security Council resolutions can be binding under international law.

8. But they still considered the language of the resolution tough and legally binding.

9. Why is increasing residents'consumption rate the government's binding objective?

10. At COP 17 developed countries are asking emerging economies to take some binding commitment to reduce the green house gas emissions.

binding 英英释义


1. the act of applying a bandage

    Synonym: dressingbandaging

2. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

    e.g. the book had a leather binding

    Synonym: book bindingcoverback

3. strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration

4. one of a pair of mechanical devices that are attached to a ski and that will grip a ski boot
    the bindings should release in case of a fall

    Synonym: ski binding

5. the capacity to attract and hold something



1. executed with proper legal authority

    e.g. a binding contract

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